Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki
Ebooks - DDA/PDA books - tracking purchases
The Library has several PDA/DDA (Patron Driven Acquisitions) agreements. After Library vetting and approval of the publishers list and dates available, vendors download their publications lists into the library catalog. As patrons discover and use these titles they trigger a purchase after a set number of uses.
The Collection Management librarian maintains and updates these lists:
a running list of all DDA Purchases (with vendor notation) I:LibraryWide/ERESC/Ebooks PDAs/All DDA titles purchased
lists for each vendor, as well as amount spent and funds remaining (see below)
a list for ILL to check before filling ebook chapter ILL requests from borrowing libraries. I:ILL/ILL/Ebooks/list of ebooks we own (in the DDA)
The Serials librarian receives weekly (usually) updates from Ebsco and JSTOR which are forwarded on to the Collection Management librarian who updates those vendor lists.
The Head of Technical Services receives occasional updates from EBL and forwards them on to the CM librarian who updates the vendor list.
EBSCO I:Librarywide/ERESC/E-books PDA/EBSCO PDA/Ebsco pda purchase list
Rather than save the individual emails re purchases I open the file in the email and save it to the Ebsco pda purchase list on it's own dated page. Keep for a few months and then discard as you like.
On the "cost per title " tab record the date run of the report, number of books, the funds spent, the next column has a formula to provide the average cost, and add the funds remaining in the last column.
Track funds added to the PDA here as well.
On the "lists of titles" tab I copy all the titles purchased during that week. I add them to the bottom of the list and then use "sort and find" on Excel to put them in alphabetical order.
Record titles on the "All DDA titles purchased" list
EBL I:Librarywide/ERESC/E-books PDA/EBL PDA/UMBC EBL books autopurchases list
Record book title and cost on the UMBC Autopurchases spreadsheet
Record titles on the "All DDA titles purchased" list
JSTOR I:Librarywide/ERESC/E-books PDA/JSTOR PDA/JSTORtitles and prices 2014-
JSTOR sends lists of purchases as well as usages; we only keep track of purchases. Their listings can be confusing and need to be watched - you might get two notices about the same book for example)
Record book title, cost and date ordered on the "titles and costs" tab
On the balance tab record the date coverage of the report, # of books, funds spent, average cost per title and remaining funds.
Record titles on the "All DDA titles purchased" list
These tasks can be done by anyone, however CM librarian needs to monitor to determine how/if funds are being spent, and when funds need to be replenished.
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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian