Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki
McNaughton Plan Procedures - Discontinued 2012
General Guidelines for Circulation of Materials in the McNaughton Collection:
Books from the McNaughton collection will circulate to current UMBC students, staff, and faculty only.
There will be no holds or recalls for books in the collection.
The books will circulate to all patron types for 28 days with up to one renewal.
Patrons may have up to five books from the McNaughton collection checked out at one time.
Regular book fines apply for overdue items in the collection.
Setup for the McNaughton Collection:
Vicki will request from ITD a collection code of BC-BC LRD [to display in public catalog as Leisure Reading].
The determined call number arrangement will be:
FIC AND_de or NON AND_de [Fiction or Non-fiction, first three letters of author's last name, first two letters of book title]
Drew will prepare the physical space in the Library's rotunda to house the collection.
Katy will complete the paperwork and send to McNaugton rep.
Katy, Robin, and Drew will finalize the list of "core titles" for the collection.
Workflow for the McNaughton Collection:
Adding Books:
Katy will select and order 20 books to add to the collection each month.
User Name: 1917887
Password: aok21250
Books will arrive monthly in Accounting and Receiving.
A&R will contact Daniel Gallaher, who will check over the shipment (check books to shipping list).
After checking the shipment against the shipping list, Daniel will give the lists to Katy for her files.
Daniel will put newly arrived books on a flagged truck, and send truck to Cataloging:
First 200 titles "core collection" will be sent to Vicki, who will oversee cataloging
Additional titles (in groups of 20) will be sent to Ping, who will oversee cataloging
Ping will send cataloged titles on a flagged cart to the Reference Office.
Daniel will enter new titles in the McNaughton spreadsheet - Sheet 1 (I:\Reference\McNaughton Collection\corelist.xlsx).
Daniel will send to Katy to review new titles, then arrange to have new titles shelved when Katy returns them.
Reference will will handle maintenance of the collection:
Shelving and arrangement of new titles
Books will be shelved into two groups - fiction and non-fiction.
Books will arranged by the first three letters of the author's name and first two letters of book title.
Maintenance of general collection [will be added to reference student rounds]
Shelf read regularly to ensure books are in order.
Tidy shelves when necessary.
Ensure that copies of "Policies for Circulation of Books in the McNaughton Collection" are available for patrons. If more copies need to be made, the file is available at I:/Reference/McNaughton Collection/McNaughton Policies.
Retrieving and shelving returned books from the "reference" bin in Circulation
Removing Books:
Katy will pull (roughly) 20 books each month to send back to McNaughton.
Katy will desensitize the books.
These books, on a flagged truck, will be sent to Robin to have their statuses changed.
Robin will send the flagged truck to Ping to remove catalog record.
Covers can stay ON the books.
Ping will send the flagged truck to Daniel, who will:
Remove titles from Sheet 1 of the spreadsheet (I:\Reference\McNaughton Collection\corelist.xlsx), and add titles to Sheet 2.
Pack books to be shipped and include a list of titles in each shipment.
Copy shipping label and title list and put in Katy's box.
Add tracking number to each title in Sheet 2 of corelist.xlsx.
Seal boxes, affix shipping label, and take to A & R to be shipped.
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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian