Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

McNaughton Plan Procedures - Discontinued 2012

General Guidelines for Circulation of Materials in the McNaughton Collection:

  • Books from the McNaughton collection will circulate to current UMBC students, staff, and faculty only.

  • There will be no holds or recalls for books in the collection.

  • The books will circulate to all patron types for 28 days with up to one renewal.

  • Patrons may have up to five books from the McNaughton collection checked out at one time.

  • Regular book fines apply for overdue items in the collection. 

Setup for the McNaughton Collection:

  • Vicki will request from ITD a collection code of BC-BC LRD [to display in public catalog as Leisure Reading].

  • The determined call number arrangement will be:

    • FIC AND_de or NON AND_de [Fiction or Non-fiction, first three letters of author's last name, first two letters of book title]

  • Drew will prepare the physical space in the Library's rotunda to house the collection.

  • Katy will complete the paperwork and send to McNaugton rep.

  • Katy, Robin, and Drew will finalize the list of "core titles" for the collection.

Workflow for the McNaughton Collection:

Adding Books:

  • Katy will select and order 20 books to add to the collection each month.


    • User Name: 1917887

    • Password: aok21250

  • Books will arrive monthly in Accounting and Receiving.

  • A&R will contact Daniel Gallaher, who will check over the shipment (check books to shipping list).

  • After checking the shipment against the shipping list, Daniel will give the lists to Katy for her files.

  • Daniel will put newly arrived books on a flagged truck, and send truck to Cataloging:

    • First 200 titles "core collection" will be sent to Vicki, who will oversee cataloging

    • Additional titles (in groups of 20) will be sent to Ping, who will oversee cataloging

  • Ping will send cataloged titles on a flagged cart to the Reference Office.

  • Daniel will enter new titles in the McNaughton spreadsheet - Sheet 1 (I:\Reference\McNaughton Collection\corelist.xlsx).

  • Daniel will send to Katy to review new titles, then arrange to have new titles shelved when Katy returns them.

  • Reference will will handle maintenance of the collection:

    • Shelving and arrangement of new titles

      • Books will be shelved into two groups - fiction and non-fiction.

      • Books will arranged by the first three letters of the author's name and first two letters of book title.

    • Maintenance of general collection [will be added to reference student rounds]

      • Shelf read regularly to ensure books are in order.

      • Tidy shelves when necessary.

      • Ensure that copies of "Policies for Circulation of Books in the McNaughton Collection" are available for patrons.  If more copies need to be made, the file is available at I:/Reference/McNaughton Collection/McNaughton Policies.

    • Retrieving and shelving returned books from the "reference" bin in Circulation

Removing Books:

  • Katy will pull (roughly) 20 books each month to send back to McNaughton.

  • Katy will desensitize the books.

  • These books, on a flagged truck, will be sent to Robin to have their statuses changed.

  • Robin will send the flagged truck to Ping to remove catalog record.

  • Covers can stay ON the books.

  • Ping will send the flagged truck to Daniel, who will:

    • Remove titles from Sheet 1 of the spreadsheet (I:\Reference\McNaughton Collection\corelist.xlsx), and add titles to Sheet 2.

    • Pack books to be shipped and include a list of titles in each shipment.

    • Copy shipping label and title list and put in Katy's box.

    • Add tracking number to each title in Sheet 2 of corelist.xlsx.

    • Seal boxes, affix shipping label, and take to A & R to be shipped.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian