Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Basic wiki instructions for Collection Management

Adding Forms:

There is a Forms page in the Collection Management section of the wiki.  To add a new form to that page follow the directions below.

Attaching a file (document, image, PDF, etc.)

  • Navigate to the page you want the attachment to be associated with (i.e. the Collection Management Forms page)  

  • From the left navigation menu select 'Page Operation', then 'Attachments'. (you have to be logged in to edit)

  • Browse the computer to find the file you wish to attach. (probably on the I drive under Collection Management)

  • In the comments section, enter in some information that describes the page. This can something as simple as the title of the document or a few words about an image.

  • Click the 'Attach File(s)' button.

Linking to an attached document

  • Now you want to link the attachment to a link on the Forms page, so go to 'Wiki Markup' in edit mode.

  • Place the cursor where you want to place the link.

  • Type [NAME OF LINK|NAME OF PAGE DOCUMENT ATTACHED TO^NAME OF DOCUMENT] (Be sure to include the extension, i.e. .doc.)

  • You only need to include the name of the page the document is attached to if it is different from the current page, but still use the ^)

  • Remember to SAVE after each attachment.



Example: Donor Information Receipt Form

[Donor Information Receipt Form|Collection Managment Forms^donorinformation receipt form.doc]

Updating an attachment

  • Follow the steps above for attaching a document, making sure that the new document has the same name as the document you want to update.

  • The newly attached document will be the most recent version displayed, and all links to the attachment will point to the new version.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian