What is a Jumbo update and why is it useful?

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  • It is an option in RT that allows you to make multiple edits/updates to a ticket at once, all on the same screen.

  • Jumbo is useful because you can make more than one update to a ticket at a time and save all of them at once instead of having to make each update and save all them individually. This saves you time when updating tickets.

  • A Jumbo update is different from a Bulk update in that a Jumbo update allows you to make multiple changes to the same ticket at once, where as a Bulk update allows you to make the same change to multiple tickets at once.

  1. Go to https://rt.umbc.edu

  2. Select a ticket that you would like to update by clicking on it.

  3. Click Jumbo in the gray bar at the top of the page.

  4. Almost all possible changes that you can make to a ticket will then be displayed on the same page.

  5. Make desired updates.

  6. Click the gray Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen on the right.