Contingent 2 Agreement Personal Services Contract

Contingent 2 Agreement Personal Services Contract


When a department needs to hire a new Contingent 2 employee or renew the contract of an existing Contingent 2 employee, the Payroll Preparer for that department should fill out this form. Please note: the Payroll Preparer must choose whether the employee receives Maximum or Minimum leave benefits. If they are unsure about which type of benefits the employee should receive, there is a link under “Useful Links” on the webform that explains what type of benefits an employee should receive. Also, the Addendum to Personal Services is included in this agreement. The department does not need to fill out the addendum separately.


  • The Payroll Preparer should initiate this form and fill out the information for the agreement. Please note: the Payroll Preparer must have access to the offer letter for the position if it is an initial request.

  • After the form is initiated, the employee will sign the form, and it will return to the Payroll Preparer to sign off on the agreement.

  • After the Department Head signs, the form will come to HR for a final approval process. The HR Approver can approve the agreement with edits, approve the agreement without edits, or reject the request. When the Payroll Preparer receives a completed copy of the agreement, it is their responsibility to review the completed document and check whether or not the request was approved or rejected.


    • Approved (with edits): This option means that HR approves the position, but with a few minor changes. Directly underneath the HR section will be another section detailing exactly what changes were made to the original request.

    • Approved (without edits): This option means that HR has approved the request with no edits to the position.

    • Rejected: This option means that HR has rejected the request. Underneath the HR section is an area where the HR approver can explain why the request was rejected.

  • If the Contingent 2 Agreement Personal Services Contract was rejected, the Payroll Preparer must submit a new request.

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