Contingent I Agreement

Contingent I Agreement


When a department needs to hire a new Contingent I employee, the department must fill out this form. The Contingent I Agreement covers initial requests and renewals for Contingent I employees.


  • The Payroll Preparer should initiate this form and fill out the information for the agreement. If the initiator is not the Payroll Preparer, make sure to indicate this when prompted on the webform. This will allow you to include the Payroll Preparer further down the workflow.

  • Once the initiator has finished, the form will route to the employee to sign. It will proceed to the Contract Approver to sign off on the agreement.

  • If the Payroll Preparer initiated the form, then the form will move directly to the Payroll Approver to sign. If not, the Payroll Preparer will receive the form first to finish filling out the required information before signing.

  • Once everyone has signed, the form will come to HR for a final approval process. The HR Approver can approve the agreement with or without edits. When the Payroll Preparer receives a completed copy of the agreement, it is their responsibility to review the completed document and check whether or not edits have been made.


    • Approved (with edits): This option means that HR approves the position, but with a few minor changes. The HR section will detail exactly what changes were made to the original request.

    • Approved (without edits): This option means that HR has approved the request with no edits to the position.

  • If anyone in the workflow 'Declines to Sign' the Payroll Preparer must initiate a new form.