Why am I not listed in any WebAssign courses?

Why am I not listed in any WebAssign courses?

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After clicking the WebAssign tool link in Blackboard, you may receive a message that says "You are not currently listed in any courses."

What does this mean?

  • If you have a class key for your new class, you can enroll yourself. If you do not have a class key, please check with your instructor.

  • You can't view your class or purchase access before the WebAssign start date specified by the instructor.

  • You can't view your WebAssign class after the end date.

  • You do not have a WebAssign account and need to purchase access.

For Course Materials Initiative (CMI) Students:

  • If your course is participating in the CMI, but you do not have access to WebAssign, please check with your instructor to make sure the WebAssign settings have been configured properly. If not, tour instructor must open an RT ticket to request support as this information is not posted to a public FAQ.

  • If your course is NOT participating in CMI, you must purchase your own access to WebAssign.

  • If you have opted OUT of CMI, you must purchase your own access to WebAssign.

Some courses at UMBC participate in the Course Materials Initiative, which provides automatic access to WebAssign. Check with the UMBC Bookstore if you need to verify your course's participation in the program.

Cengage is a third-party tool. Instructional technology staff do not have any administrative access to its interface. If you have technical issues with this tool, please contact Cengage Support↗︎