For Students: Taking a Test with Respondus Lockdown Browser
Your course may require the use of Respondus LockDown Browser for online exams. Respondus LockDown Browser is a locked browser for taking tests in Blackboard Learn. It prevents you from printing, copying, going to another URL, or accessing other applications during a test. If a Blackboard test requires that Respondus LockDown Browser be used, you will not be able to take the test with a standard web browser.
The LockDown Browser should only be used for taking Blackboard tests. It cannot be used in other areas of Blackboard.
Download the Student Quick Start Guide (pdf) or review Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor Knowledge Base for students.
GETTING HELP: Live chat help is available within LockDown Browser when using Respondus Monitor. Chat agents can assist students with pre-exam issues related to the webcam and microphone. Click the the "Need More help?" button.
You can also open a ticket directly with Respondus support.
Please make sure your version of Respondus Lockdown Browser is up to date. See → How do I update Respondus Lockdown Browser?
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Taking a Test with RLDB
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Make sure you have Respondus Lockdown Browser installed on your computer. See → How do I install Respondus Lockdown Browser?
Close all programs, unless one is used to connect you to the Internet.
Locate the “LockDown Browser” shortcut on the desktop and double-click it. (For Mac users, launch “LockDown Browser” from the Applications folder.)
If prompted, either close a blocked program (e.g. screen capture, instant messaging) by choosing Yes. Or, close LockDown Browser and close the blocked program before restarting.
Login to your Blackboard course.
Navigate to the test and select it.
If the instructor requires a test password, a new window will appear asking for the Exam Password. Enter the password and click Begin Exam.
The test will then start.
Make sure you have Respondus Lockdown Browser installed on your computer. See → How do I install Respondus Lockdown Browser?
Close all programs, unless one is used to connect you to the Internet.
Go to your Blackboard course.
Access the test.
If you do not have RLDB installed, you can download and install it now.
If you do have RLDB installed, you can begin the test.
If prompted, either close a blocked program (e.g. screen capture, instant messaging) by choosing Yes. Or, close LockDown Browser and close the blocked program before restarting.
If you are required to use a webcam to record yourself during a quiz, a Startup Sequence will guide you through a webcam check and other items required by the instructor.
The test will then start.
REMEMBER: Once a test has been started with Respondus LockDown Browser, you cannot exit until the Submit button is clicked.
NOTE: You cannot use Respondus Monitor on a tablet or smartphone. There is a mobile app, but your instructor must configure the test to allow its use. Err on the side of caution and take your test on a desktop or laptop, preferably with a wired connection.
Respondus Monitor
You may be required to use LockDown Browser with a webcam, which will record you during an online, non-proctored exam. (The webcam feature is sometimes referred to as “Respondus Monitor.”)
Your computer must have a functioning webcam and microphone. Mac users must have Adobe Flash Player installed to Safari, even if a different browser is normally used. A broadband connection is also required.
If an exam requires LockDown Browser and a webcam, follow steps 1-5 in the previous “Taking A Test” section. At this point, the Startup Sequence for the webcam begins.
You will first need to review and agree to the Terms of Use.
The Webcam Check will confirm that your webcam and microphone are working properly.
TIP: If you encounter a problem, select the It’s not working link for troubleshooting tips.The remaining steps of the Startup Sequence will depend on settings chosen by your instructor. Follow the instructions and note your progress along the top of the screen.
The test will begin after the Startup Sequence is complete. You cannot exit LockDown Browser until the test is submitted for grading.
In some cases, your instructor may use Respondus Lockdown Browser with a live proctoring scenario.
NOTE: You cannot use Respondus Monitor on a tablet or smartphone.
Test Taking Tips
Finally, when taking an online exam, follow these guidelines:
Ensure you're in a location where you won't be interrupted.
Turn off all mobile devices, phones, etc.
Clear your desk of all external materials — books, papers, other computers, or devices.
Remain at your desk or workstation for the duration of the test.
Take your time navigating through the questions. Clicking too fast may lock up your test.
If possible, use a wired connection rather than wi-fi.
LockDown Browser will prevent you from accessing other websites or applications; you will be unable to exit the test until all questions are completed and submitted.
Early Exit
If you do need to exit the exam before submitting it, for example in case of an emergency or internet failure, you are required to enter a reason for exiting the exam early. (Instructors can then view this within the LockDown Browser dashboard.)
Download Respondus Lockdown Browser
Respondus LockDown Browser uses a standard Windows or Mac installer that can be downloaded by faculty or students from the following link.
NOTE: This link is unique for UMBC. It cannot be used by non-UMBC students or for another Blackboard or LMS outside of our campus.