How do I install Respondus Lockdown Browser?

How do I install Respondus Lockdown Browser?

Your course may require the use of Respondus LockDown Browser for online exams. Respondus LockDown Browser is a locked browser for taking tests in Blackboard Learn. It prevents you from printing, copying, going to another URL, or accessing other applications during a test. If a Blackboard test requires that Respondus LockDown Browser be used, you will not be able to take the test with a standard web browser.

Please make sure your version of Respondus Lockdown Browser is up to date. See → How do I update Respondus Lockdown Browser?

Installing on Windows
  1. Log in as a local administrator with full rights. ( (Windows->Control Panel->User Accounts->"user account"->"Change your account type"→"Administrator").

  2. Go to http://www.respondus.com/lockdown/download.php?id=978442813 – this link is unique to UMBC.

  3. Download the LockDown Browser installer package. It will be in the form of "LockDownBrowser-2-0-x-xx.exe" where "-x-xx" is the current version number.

  4. Locate the installer package in your Downloads folder and run it.

  5. Accept all the default prompts to install LockDown Browser.

Installing on Mac
  1. Log in as a local administrator with full rights (In System Preferences->Users & Groups, the user account must have "Allow user to administer this computer" enabled.)

  2. Go to http://www.respondus.com/lockdown/download.php?id=978442813 – this link is unique to UMBC.

  3. Download the LockDown Browser installer package. Depending on the browser setting, it may download as "InstallLDBPackage64c-2-0-x-xx.zip" where "-x-xx" is the current version number.

  4. If the downloaded file did not automatically unzip, locate "InstallLDBPackage64c-2-0-x-xx.zip" (usually in the Downloads folder), and double click on the file to start the Archiver to unzip the file.

  5. Locate the "Install Respondus LockDown Browser xxxxxxxxx.pkg" to start the actual LockDown Browser installer. (The "xxxxxxxxx" should be the actual Institution ID.)

  6. Accept all the default prompts to install LockDown Browser.

Taking a Test

The pathway to use RLDB will depend on whether you are taking the test in an Original course or an Ultra course. Please see → For Students: Taking a Test with Respondus Lockdown Browser.

GETTING HELP: Live chat help is available within LockDown Browser when using Respondus Monitor. Chat agents can assist students with pre-exam issues related to the webcam and microphone. Click the the "Need More help?" button.

You can also open a ticket directly with Respondus support. 

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