Checking Processing with Zotero

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Checking Processing with Zotero

Check each record given in the word document and look for the following things-

  1. Check processing decisions. If the person who did the work is fully trained, if 4 are correct you can skip checking the next 4.

a.     Check the fed gov docs are fed gov doc.

b.     Check the works on cc lic aren’t fed gov docs and are on a cc license

c.      Check if we have permission to add arxiv works

d.     Check that unpublished works are unpublished and not fed gov docs or on cc licensees.

e.     Check that versions that we can add mesh with the publisher’s policy.


  1. If it has been processed and added to Zotero then check that the work accessible for us to add and check the following in Zotero

a.     All publisher requirements are included.

b.     Title is correct

c.      All authors’ name should be added

d.     URL is there

e.     Citation is correct and has DOI/Link in the end, wherever applicable

f.       Cc license, rights statement is correct, wherever applicable

g.     Necessary information is given in Notes, wherever applicable


  1. If it has been processed but not added to Zotero then check if it has been processed correctly.


  1. If it has not been processed, determine if you can process it. If the person whose work your checking is trained to do it, have them process it in the corrections. Otherwise, process it yourself.


  1. If it has been crossed out then check if it is out of scope or doesn’t have UMBC authors. Spot check it if it is done by someone trained to do processing.


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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian