How do I turn on and view originality reports with Google Assignments?

How do I turn on and view originality reports with Google Assignments?

Beginning Fall 2020, each Blackboard course is limited to enabling originality reports on a maximum of three (3) separate Google Assignments.  

When you are using Google Assignments, you will not have access to the SafeAssign functionality to check for plagiarism from assignments submitted to Blackboard. If an instructor wishes to have an originality report while using Google Assignments, instructors must turn the tool on from the Google Assignments dashboard. 

Enabling Originality Reports

1. Add a Google Assignment to your course

2. Click on the link to the assignment. Once there, you will see the assignment dashboard. 

3. Under the Originality header, click on the checkbox

Running Originality Reports

Both students and instructors are able to run originality reports. Note that this functionality can not be turned off for students if it is enabled for the instructor.


From the assignment dashboard, next to each student's submission will be View originality report to generate their individual originality report. Or, you can Run Originality Reports to run all students' reports at once.


When students are preparing to submit their assignment, students are able to run the originality report before final submission. 

Viewing the Originality report:

The originality report will display the same both for students and instructors. In the top right, an overall number will indicate the number of flagged passages. Click on the pie chart to see what percent of the content was flagged. Turn on the Show cited or quoted passages toggle to highlight sections that were marked as such. Lastly, to view other flagged passages, use the arrows in the bottom right of the screen to move forward or backward. 

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