Accepting Terms

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Accepting the Terms is a requirement for signers first entering the DocuSign world. They are prompted to check a box indicating that they accept the terms of DocuSign before proceeding to the document itself. In this case, the signer is agreeing to do business with UMBC when they sign.

The Agreement includes:

  • Consumer Disclosure

  • Getting Paper Copies

  • Withdrawing Consent

  • Consequences of Changing Your Mind

  • All Notices and Disclosures Will Be Sent to You Electronically

  • How to Contact UMBC

  • How to Notify UMBC of Your New E-mail Address

  • To Request Paper Copies from UMBC

  • To Withdraw Your Consent with UMBC

  • Required Hardware and Software

  • Acknowledging Your Access and Consent to Receive Materials Electronically

Make sure that you've read through terms and conditions before continuing into the signing process.