Aleph Circulation Procedures - Searching Item Records

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Aleph Circulation Procedures - Searching Item Records

There are several ways to search for an item in Aleph, but they all start the same: Click on the Search tab (tab 5, or press F9). The Navigation pane will show three options - Find, Browse and Show.  You can start a search in either Find or Browse.


  1. In the Advanced Search tab choose the Base (database that will be searched). MAI Global searches all USMAI library catalogs. MAI BC searches just the UMBC library catalog.

  2. Enter your search terms, choosing from the drop down menus.  You can choose up to three search terms, using the ‘and, or, not’ connectors. Click OK.

  3. The results of the search will appear in the lower right pane.

    1. Request - lists your search terms.

    2. Database - lists the database you selected.

    3. No. Records - lists the number of records in Aleph that meet your search criteria.

  4. If the results information is correct, click the “Show” button in the lower right pane.

  5. The upper pane of Show will display the Brief List tab, containing all of the records generated by your search, sorted by date order from the newest to the oldest.

    1. Doc # - lets you know which record you are looking at in the list (ex. 1/117).

    2. Call # - gives the item call number and the owning sub-libraries.

    3. Author - lists the author(s) of the item.

    4. Title - lists the title of the item.

    5. Year - gives the publication date.

  6. Scroll down through the list to find the particular item that you want.  When you find it, highlight the line and click on the “Circulation” button in the lower pane.  This will take you to the item record.


  1. In the Advanced Search tab choose the Base (database that will be searched). MAI Global searches all USMAI library catalogs. MAI BC searches just the UMBC library catalog.

  2. Choose your search term from the Headings drop down list.

    1. Call No., LC (LCA) - searches using the Library of Congress call number.

    2. ISBN (020 - no hyphens) - searches using the item’s ISBN number.

    3. Title (TTL) - searches using the item’s title.

    4. Authors (AUT) - searches by the author’s name (use last name, first name).

  3. Enter your search terms in the Enter Starting Text box.

  4. Verify that your information is correct.  If you have made a mistake, click the “Clear” button to reset the search.

  5. Click “Go”. The lower pane will display the results of your search.  They are listed in call number order.

    1. # Docs - shows the number of items attached to the record.

    2. Index - shows the call number of the item.

    3. Headings - shows the title and author(s) of the item.

    4. Note: The second entry of the list most closely matches your search terms.  The first entry is the item immediately preceding your match.

  6. Scroll down through the list to find the particular item that you want.  When you find it, highlight the line and click on the “Show” button in the lower pane.  This will take you to the Brief List of that item, already highlighted.

  7. Click on the “Circulation” button in the lower pane.  This will take you to the item record.

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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
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