Aleph Circulation Procedures - Returning Items

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Aleph Circulation Procedures - Returning Items

Note: See this page for information on Media returns.

Note: See this page for information on damaged items.

  1. Click on the Return tab (tab 2, or press F6).

  2. Click on History. If there are items listed in the Return History, click “Clear”. Press F4 to get back to Return.

  3. Scan the item barcode. 

    1. For non-UMBC items, barcodes may be located on the title page, or inside or outside the back cover.

    2. For Media items - Inside the case and/or under the CD or DVD; inside the case and/or on the VHS tape and on the top of the headband for headphones. Make sure that all CDs, DVDs, or other materials are present in the case. Do not return the item if anything is missing.

    3. If the barcode is just a series of numbers (ex. N/2056/00843/7752X) it must be typed in.  Enter a 3 for the N and ignore the slashes and the X.

  4. If requested by the patron, print out a receipt. Click on History in the Navigation (left) pane.  The Return History will appear in the right pane. There are several methods of printing a receipt:

    1. If only one item was returned, click the <Print> button in the right pane.  A Print window will appear on the left side of the screen.  Click the <Print> button.

    2. If more than one item was returned, highlight the first in the list.  Go to the last item and press Shift while you click on it.  All items for that patron should be highlighted.

    3. Click the <Print> button in the right pane.  A Print window will appear on the left side of the screen.  Click the <Print> button.

    4. To print all items returned by a patron, click on the <Print Patron> button. A Print window will appear on the left side of the screen.  Click the <Print> button.

  5. Place the returned items on the two-shelf cart with the sign ‘Returned, Not Sensitized or Stamped’.

  6. Take the cart to the Return desk either during your shift or at the end of your shift.

  7. Verify that the books were successfully returned in Aleph:

    1. Click on the Item tab (F8) in the Navigation pane.

    2. Scan the item barcode.  This item will be highlighted in the Items List located in the upper right pane.

    3. Look at the date in the Last Return column.  It will be today’s date if the return was successful. If the return was not successful, then return it again and verify the return.

  8. Check to see if the barcode is too low, using the card tied to the scanner.  If the barcode is too low, put the book in the ‘Barcode too low’ bin in front of Genie’s desk.

  9. Check to see if the book needs to be mended. If so:

    1. Fill out the Returns Mending Slip by checking the appropriate problems.

    2. Put it in the book, putting a rubber band around the book if necessary.

    3. Put the book on the Mending Cart next to Perry’s desk.

    4. If the book needs to be mended and the barcode is too low, Fill out the Returns Mending Slip by checking the appropriate problems and check ‘Other’, noting that the barcode is too low.

  10. Sensitize the book, and stamp the due date slip with the ‘UMBC Ret’d’ date stamp.

  11. Place the UMBC books on the Sorting Cart and Media items in the Media Box.

  12. Place the In-transit books in the appropriate bin in the back room.

  13. Place Hold books on the Hold Shelves in alphabetical order by the patron’s last name.

Aleph Return Messages

“Unable to find item”

  1. It’s possible that the book did not scan properly. Clear the barcode field and scan it again.

  2. If this doesn’t work, then the then the barcode is not linked to a record in Aleph. Write a note explaining the problem, date and sign it, and put it in the item.  Put the item on Genie’s desk.

“This item must be transferred to _____ library”

  1. Click “OK” and print the transfer slip.

  2. Fold the printout in half width-wise and place in the book so that the address of the destination campus is visible. 

  3. Place the item in the appropriate in-transit bin at the end of your desk shift.

“Hold Requests for Returned Items”

This window will disappear on its own and a Hold Request Slip will print.

  1. Fold the Hold Request Slip in half lengthwise, place it in the book so that the patron’s        name is visible from the top of the book.

  2. Shelve the book on the hold shelf alphabetically by the patron’s last name at the end         of your shift. 

“Item not on loan”

Stamp and sensitize the book, and put it on the Sorting cart.

“Item returned late”

If the patron is at the desk, ask if they want to pay their late fees now. If so, follow the procedures for fine payment on page XXX. If they do not want to pay today, tell them that the fine(s) can be paid in the library with a check, UMBC ID or UMBC Guest Card for the next 30 days; on the 31st day the fine(s) will be transferred to the Bursar with an additional $5.00 service charge.

“Item has been claimed returned.  Do you want to continue?”

Answer yes. Print out a receipt of the transaction; write ‘Was PCR’, along with the date and your initials, and give the receipt to the Stacks Supervisor.

“Item has been declared lost.  Do you want to continue?”

Answer yes.  This will remove the lost status, put the item back in circulation and credit the Lost Book and the processing fee.

“Item has the following process status <IP/LP/MI/RM>”

Print out an item slip. Date and initial it, put it in the book, and give it to the Stacks Supervisor.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian