Aleph Circulation Procedures - Patron Registration

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Aleph Circulation Procedures - Patron Registration

Before registering a new UMBC faculty, staff or student, search Aleph to verify that there is no existing record for the patron. First, check using the barcode, then the Local ID and finally the patron’s name.

  1. Ask the patron for their red UMBC ID.

  2. Go to the Patron tab in the Navigation (left) pane.

  3. Scan the Barcode on the UMBC ID.

    1. If the patron is in the system, verify that their privileges are current by going to Local Information in the Navigation (left) pane and checking the Expiration Date. 

    2. Go to Address Information in the Navigation (left) pane and verify that the street address, phone number and email address is correct; edit the information as needed. 

    3. Note: We MUST have a local address.

  4. If no patron record is found using the barcode, Enter the patron’s Local ID (the alphanumeric found on the UMBC ID preceded by BC-). If a patron record comes up:

    1. Go to Global Patron Information in the Navigation (left) pane and verify that the barcode is correct.  If it is not correct, highlight the barcode and scan in the new barcode.

    2. Verify that their privileges are current by going to Local Information in the Navigation (left) pane and checking the Expiration Date. 

    3. Go to Address Information in the Navigation (left) pane and verify that the street address, phone number and email address is correct; edit the information as needed.

    4. NOTE: We MUST have a local address.

  5. If no patron record is found using the Local ID:

    1. Click on the “…” button on the Patron bar (located just to the right of the 

    2. The Patron List box will appear. Verify that the Patron Name radio button is clicked in the “Sort by…” box in the upper left corner.

    3. Enter the patron’s name as Last Name, First Name and press Enter.

    4. The name that most closely matches what you entered will appear at the top of the list.

    5. Ask the patron for their address to verify the name on the list is theirs.

    6. If there is a match to the patron, press “Select” to bring up their record.

    7. Go to Global Patron Information in the Navigation (left) pane and verify that the barcode is correct.  If it is not correct, highlight the barcode and scan in the new barcode.

    8. Verify that their privileges are current by going to Local Information in the Navigation (left) pane and checking the Expiration Date. 

    9. Go to Address Information in the Navigation (left) pane and verify that the street address, phone number and email address is correct; edit the information as needed.

    10. NOTE: We MUST have a local address.

    11. Go to Additional IDs in the Navigation (left) pane and verify that the Local ID is correct; edit the information as needed.

  6. If no patron record is found after checking by Barcode, Local ID and Patron Name, click on the <New Patron> button on the right side of the patron bar and proceed to register the patron using the following procedure.

Registering a New Patron

Step 1 – Global Patron Information

NOTE: Do NOT put anything in the “Patron ID” or “Pincode” fields.  These will be filled in automatically by the system when you click Update.

Only fill in these fields:

  1. Barcode: enter the library barcode from their ID card

  2. Barcode verification: Use patron’s last name.  This is used to get into My Account in the catalog and to log in to Research Port.

    1. Type in only the first 10 letters of the patron’s last name. 

    2. If someone has an apostrophe in their name, e.g. “O’Brien” ONLY enter O'

    3. For hyphenated last names, do not enter hyphens, only enter the first part of the name before the hyphen, and instruct the patron that they only enter that part of their name when logging into the catalog.

  3. Name: Lastname, Firstname: Use all caps and follow this convention to type in the patrons name: BOHN, JAKE

  4. Home Library: select BC-BC  UMBC from the menu

  5. Check marks should be in both “Data Export Consent” and “Send All Letters to Patron”

  6. Click “Update”.

Step 2 – Local Patron Information

  1. Go to Patron Registration in the Navigation (left) pane and click on Local Patron Information. 

  2. Select the line labeled BC UMBC – Patrons

  3. Go to the lower pane and fill in the Patron Status based on the information on the red UMBC ID. (Use the arrow to choose the correct patron status from drop-down list.)

  4. Click the <Get Defaults> button on the right.  ALWAYS GET DEFAULTS!  This will fill in the default patron expiration date and also set up other necessary permissions. Note - if you are registering a TA, you may need to edit the expiration date to reflect the ending date of their contract, as stated in the letter offering them the position. 

  5. Click “Update”

  6. Check that the information in the Local Patron Information tab in the upper right pane is correct.

NOTE: The MAI150  USMAI status and expiration date should correspond to the BC  UMBC – Patrons status and expiration date.

To update patron status:

  1. Verify the patron status before proceeding.

  2. Click on the BC line.

  3. Choose the correct status.

  4. Click “Get Defaults”, then “Update”.

  5. NOTE: If necessary, only edit expiration date after you Get Defaults.

  6. Repeat on the MAI 50 USMAI line.

To update expiration dates:

  1. Verify the patron status before proceeding.

  2. Click on the BC line.

  3. Click the “Get Defaults” button. NOTE: If necessary, only edit expiration date after you Get Defaults.

  4. Click “Update”.

  5. Repeat on the MAI 50 USMAI line.

When someone transfers from another USMAI institution: 

  1. Click on the BC line.

  2. Choose the correct patron status.

  3. Click “Get Defaults”, then “Update”. NOTE: If necessary, only edit expiration date after you Get Defaults.

  4. Repeat on the MAI 50 USMAI line.

NOTE: You also need to change the Barcode and Home Library (in Global Information) and the Local ID (in Additional IDs)

When someone has status at two USMAI institutions: 

Patrons should only be registered at one institution – the one where they have the highest level privileges.  If this is UMBC, register them as usual.  If the higher privileges are at another USMAI institution, let that registration stand.

If the highest level privileges are at another institution and they also have a red UMBC ID, enter them for database access at UMBC:

  1. Scroll to the very bottom of the Local Paton Information screen until you find a line that says “BC-  UMBC – Patrons for DB access”.  Click to highlight the line and follow these steps:

  2. Choose patron status based on the information on the UMBC ID.

  3. Click “Get Defaults”, then “Update”

The final step is to add the patron’s UMBC barcode as an “Additional Barcode” to their ID list.  Go to Patron Registration in the Navigation pane and choose Additional IDs.  Follow these steps EXACTLY:

  1. Click the “Add ID” button

  2. For “Key Type” choose “03 – Additional Barcode”

  3. For “Verification Type” choose “00 – Normal”

  4. For “Status” choose “AC – Active”

  5. For “Key Data” click in the field and scan in the UMBC barcode (21429…)

  6. For “Verification” type in the patron’s last name exactly as it appears on the Global Patron Information page for Barcode Verification.

  7. Click “Save ID”

Step 3 – Address Information

To add a patron’s address, email and phone number:

  1. Go to Patron Registration in the Navigation (left)  pane and click on  Address Information

  2. Make sure the first line in the upper pane is selected.

  3. Fill in the patron’s permanent address information in the BOTTOM pane:

    1. Address: Fill out the full address as it should appear on mailings, including zip code.

    2. Zip Code: Enter zip code here too.

    3. E-mail: Enter email address.

    4. Telephone (1): Can be used for home or cell phone number

    5. Valid From: Defaults to today’s date  

    6. Valid To:  Enter 12/31/2099

    7. Address Type:

      1. 01 – (Permanent address) Corresponds to patron’s home address.

      2. 02 – (Mailing address) Corresponds to student’s on-campus address or faculty/staff office address. Note: All notices will go to this address if entered.

  4. Click “Update”. You should see the information appear in the Upper pane.

If the patron has an on-campus address or a faculty/staff office address:

  1. Click on the <New> button.

  2. Fill out the information as described above. 

    1. NOTE: All UMBC addresses have this format:

    2. Dorm, Apartment, Building or Department   UMBC

    3. 1000 Hilltop Circle

    4. Baltimore, MD  21250

  3. Remember to choose 02 in the Address Type field

  4. Click the <Update> button and you should see the second address listed in the Upper pane.

NOTE: ALWAYS add the faculty/staff office address.  If the patron doesn’t know their room number, just put in the department name with the 1000 Hilltop Circle address information.

Updating Address Information

NOTE: We MUST have a local address in the patron record, especially for foreign students. 

Remember to remind students to go to MyUMBC to correct their address information or your update will be overridden in the next Patron Load. 

Remember to remind Faculty and Staff to contact Human Resources to correct their address information or your update will be overridden in the next Patron Load.

To update patron address information:

  • Highlight the incorrect address in the UPPER pane.

  • Enter the correct information in the LOWER pane using the procedure noted above.

  • Click “Update” and you should see the correct address information in the Upper pane.

Step 4 – Additional IDs

To add additional IDs, go to Patron Registration in the Navigation (left) pane and click on Additional IDs

To add a patron’s Local ID:

  1. Select the <Add ID> button.  Then, enter the following from the drop-down menus:

    1. Key Type: 09 (for Local ID)

    2. Verification Type: 00

    3. Status: AC (for “active”)

    4. Key Data: BC- followed by the patron’s Local ID.

    5. NOTE: Do not enter anything in the “Verification” field.

  2. Click on the <Save ID> button – You should now see the Local ID in the list.

Note:: This number cannot be duplicated in any patron record. If the same number already exists in another patron record, you will receive an error message.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian