Aleph Circulation Procedures - Missing Items

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Aleph Circulation Procedures - Missing Items

If a patron reports that they are unable to find a book:

  1. Bring up the item record in Aleph

  2. Verify that the item is owned by UMBC. If not, ask if the patron would like to request the item from another campus.

  3. Verify that the item is not currently checked out. If it is, ask if the patron would like to place a request for the item.

  4. Check to see if the item is a Folio. If it is, ask if the patron checked the Folio section. You will probably need to explain this to them.

  5. Check the last return date for the item. If it has been returned recently, and the desk is not busy, look for the book on the sorting shelves and carts in the Circulation department.

  6. At this point the book can be declared missing. Click on the Item Slip button in Aleph to print an item slip. Write "RM" and the date on it. If the patron would like to be notified when the book is found, write the patron's campus ID or email address on the slip. Give the slip to the Stacks Manager.

  7. If there are other copies of the book in the system, and the patron would like to request one, have a staff member change the item's status to RM. This will allow you to place a hold on another copy of the item.


Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian