How do I disable facial detection student notifications in a Respondus Monitor?
When Respondus Monitor is enabled for a test, students are required to use a webcam and microphone with Respondus LockDown Browser. Artificial Intelligence algorithms flags unusual activity such as eyes moving away from the screen or background noise. Some students find the on-screen notifications about facial detection to be distracting, or the type of exam requires students to frequently look away if they must reference notes or work on problems by hand before entering responses on a test. Therefore, it may be necessary to disable the notifications that tell students about facial detection flags.
NOTE: This setting should not be checked for any student with SDS Testing accommodations.
Tell Me
Access your course.
Go to the Control Panel.
Expand Course Tools.
Select Respondus Lockdown Browser.
The Dashboard will now open.
Tell Me
Access your course.
Go to the left panel called Details and Actions.
Select the Books & Tools link.
Scroll down the list of tools and select Respondus Lockdown Browser.
The Dashboard will now open.
TIP: In an Ultra course, you can also enable Monitor by selecting Lockdown Browser Dashboard when you are setting up the Ultra test.
Disabling the Facial Detection Student Notification
If you already have Respondus Lockdown Browser enabled, you will see "Required" tag next to the test.
Select Settings from the context menu to the left of the test title.
Scroll down the settings page to the Proctoring section for Respondus Monitor.
Find the Facial Detection Options.
Uncheck the box for "Notify students during the exam if face cannot be detected (prompt for a fix)" -- this setting will prevent the nag notices to students.
Click SAVE + CLOSE to finalize the settings.