How do I create a OneNote Class Notebook through Blackboard?

How do I create a OneNote Class Notebook through Blackboard?

A OneNote Class Notebook is linked to an individual Blackboard course shell.

Step 1.  Add the link to the OneNote Class Notebook to your course. Follow the steps below based on whether you're using Blackboard Original or Ultra before continuing to Step 2 below.

For Original Course Users:

1. Click on the appropriate page where you would like the link to appear, like "Course Materials"

2. Under Tools click More Tools, then Microsoft OneNote Class Notebook

3. Complete the prompts on the following screen including naming the link, providing the description (if desired), tracking views, and date restrictions. Click Submit. 

4. Click on the new link that exists in your course. 

For Ultra Experience Course Users:

1. Create a new item using the "+" icon in your course

2. Click Content Market

3. Find Microsoft OneNote Class Notebook and click on the "+" in the bottom right corner.

4. Click on the new link that exists in your course. 

Step 2. Once the link has been created, create the OneNote Class Notebook.

1. Click Launch

2. Click Sign in to OneNote

If prompted: enter your UMBC email, and log in through myUMBC. If asked, you are signing in with a Work/School Microsoft account
If you are having trouble with this step, please visit this FAQ (about trouble signing in to OneDrive)

3. After successfully signing into OneNote, click Create a Class Notebook and complete the 7 steps

4. Step 1: What's the name of your class?

Enter the name you wish to have for all of your students for their notebook

5. Step 2: Notebook Overview

OneNote will describe the three group sections of the Class Notebook: Collaboration Space, Content Library, and Student Notebooks

6. (Optional) Step 3: Add another teacher

The "teacher" role has privileges that students do not in the Class Notebook, including adding content to the Content Library, and having access to Student Notebooks. If your course has more than one instructor, assign them role as Teacher on this screen.

7. Step 4: Add Student Names

Ensure that the "Automatically add students from your LMS as they access this notebook." radio button is selected, then click Next

8. Step 5: Design Student Spaces

Create sections that will appear in every student's notebook. OneNote provides default sections. These can be removed by deselecting the checkbox. You can create new sections by clicking on Add more. Once completed, click Next.

9. Step 6: Preview

Toggle between the Teacher's notebook and the Student's notebook to ensure the spaces are set-up properly. If they are, click Create.

10. Step 7: Done

OneNote will begin the process to create the notebooks for the students in your course. This process can take anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes, depending on the size of your course.

Step 3. Ensure that the link is visible to students in your Blackboard course.

After creating the OneNote Class Notebook your students will not have immediate access to the notebook. Students will have to click on the Class Notebook link in your Blackboard course in order to complete the process of adding the notebook to their OneDrive.


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