Student FAQ - Degree Audit

Student FAQ - Degree Audit

Student Frequently Asked Questions

Degree Audit

How do I view my Degree Audit Report?

In November 2009, the Degree Audit Report expanded to include not only general education requirements, but also information about where you stand relative to major requirements.  Right now you can get the most complete picture by looking at your Degree Audit Report and your unofficial transcript. 

To see your Degree Audit Report:
a.Log on to myUMBC > Undergraduate Center, and locate the Advising and Student Support Topic. (Hint: bottom right corner of the page) 

b. Click once on the link named Degree Audit Report. 

 Note: The Degree Audit Report replaces the Undergraduate Progress Report, (UPR). The UPR has been updated through Summer 2008, but not beyond.

If I see an inconsistency between the information in my Unofficial Transcript and the information in the Degree Audit Report, what do I do? 

If you are uncertain about whether you have fulfilled a requirement, your best recourse is to discuss your status with your academic advisor.  
The Degree Audit Report is not a legal document certifying your readiness to graduate; but is a helpful guide to assist in academic planning.  If you or your advisor have questions about your degree audit and/or wish to report an error, please submit a help desk ticket with the words "Degree Audit" in the title/header.

How do I know if my transfer credits are counting toward graduation?

View the Transfer Credit report to see which classes have been accepted ("posted") by UMBC.  The Degree Audit report will display how each transferred class fits into your general education program requirements at UMBC.   Questions about how transferred courses are being applied to your major or minor should continue to be discussed with your advisor until the Degree Audit Report expands to include this information in November 2009.

Questions regarding transfer credits can be directed to the Transfer Services Team.

Some of the information in MAP does not appear to be available in either the Degree Audit Report or Transfer Course List.   Why is that?

The Student Administration system that UMBC  (and many other universities in Maryland and elsewhere) have implemented inevitably will have somewhat different features and formats than our previous home-grown system.  Overall, the new SA will provide students with more accurate, timely, and detailed information than has ever been available previously. 

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