Faculty FAQ_Permissions

Faculty FAQ_Permissions

Faculty FAQ

Permission Only Classes

What is the difference between Permission Only classes and Exceptions?

Student specific permissions are granted in the cases of a permission required course. Exceptions are granted to over‐ride closed courses, missing pre‐requisites and academic career overrides (undergraduate into a graduate course) require the use of a randomly generated permission number. This number is given to the student to use during registration.

Does a student have to be authorized to enroll before we give them permission to take a class?

No. You can give them permission; however, the student will not be able to actually enroll in the class until advising authorization has been granted and his/her enrollment period has begun.

Can we give permission to more than one student at a time?

In SA, you must individually select each student to add them to a class permission list. However, you can continue adding permissions for the same section of a class once you have selected the section.

Can you check multiple permission types (ex. closed class, consent required, etc.)?

Yes, you can check as many permission types that are relevant for the student. However, you must check the boxes for all conditions that apply to the student or else enrollment will not be processed. For example, if you give student permission for a permission required class and the class happened to be closed as well. The student would need the boxes checked for "consent required" and "closed class" in order for the student to enroll successfully in the class.

How can I tell who added a student to the permission list for a Permission Only class?

For Permission Only classes, this information is not displayed on the screen. It is recommended to identify the person who granted the permission under the "comments" section for the student.

What if you have one student and want to give them multiple permissions?

Permissions are granted by class, not by student. You must open each class and/or section and provide permission to the student for each class. A shortcut in this scenario is to copy the student's ID number that populates in the ID field, and paste it into other Permission Only classes for which you intend to add the student.

Are permissions instructor specific?

No, permissions are department specific. Anyone within your department with the security access to grant permissions can grant permissions to students.

Is there a way to generate a report that shows all the people I've given permissions to and who has/hasn't used them?

When you open the class for which you want to view permissions via the Class Permission link on myUMBC, you can view the list of students for whom permission has been provided. In the status column, you can view if the student has used or has not used the permission. If the student has used the permission, the status will state "Used", and the date they registered for the class will appear in the Permission Use Date field.

Can you still give student permission for more than one section of a class so they can choose the one that best fits their scheduling needs?

Yes, you can provide permission to a student for as many sections as you want. However, a student can only register for one section of a class.