Student FAQ- Waitlists

Student FAQ- Waitlists

What are waitlists?

For many courses, students can place themselves on a waitlist once the course reaches capacity and closes. Students are moved off the waitlist and enrolled into the class by an automated process if space becomes available.  Students are enrolled in the class according to their position on the waitlist. By placing yourself on the waitlist, you assume responsibility for potentially being enrolled in a class.  If your name rises to the top of a waitlist and you are automatically enrolled in a course, you will receive notification by e-mail.   

Do all classes have waitlists?

No, not all classes will have waitlists.  Instructors and academic departments determine which class sections will have waitlists.


How do I get on a waitlist for a class? 

When adding the class during registration, check the box "Waitlist if class is full" and continue the enrollment process.  If the class has a waitlist, you will be notified of your position on the waitlist after you have completed registration.    


Is there a limit on how many waitlists I can be on?

You will be able to waitlist for up to 10 credit hours.  If you are on several waitlists and attempt to add one that would raise your total above 10 credits, the system will not allow you to add yourself to that waitlist unless you remove your name from one of the waitlists you are already on.


How will I know that I have been moved from a waitlist to a class?

You will be notified via your umbc.edu email address that you have been enrolled in a class from a waitlist.  It is your responsibility to check your umbc.edu email account regularly to see if you have been enrolled into a class for which you placed yourself on the waitlist.


How do I remove my name from a waitlist?

Log on to myUMBC and choose “Guide”

Navigate to “Classes and Grades.”

Choose Student Schedule and Registration

Locate the class from your Class Schedule

Select Drop from the menu,

Follow the directions on the page to complete the Drop process.

Note: If you decide that you do not wish to be enrolled in a class for which you are on a waitlist, it is important to take the time to complete this drop process. If openings do become available there is a chance that you WILL be enrolled in the class as long as you remain waitlisted for it.


If I forget to remove my name from a waitlist and I find myself automatically enrolled in the course, may I drop the course from my schedule?

Yes, you may drop the course and are strongly urged to do so immediately to free up that seat for another student. You must drop the course by the published deadlines to avoid receiving a W in the course.               

Do I have to "hold open" the time slot for a class if I put my name on the waitlist?

Yes, you do need to leave open the time slot for a class when you put your name on the waitlist.  If you are enrolled in a class that conflicts with the waitlisted class, when a seat becomes available in the waitlisted class you will be skipped over and the next person on the list will be automatically enrolled. Any overlap in time between a class in which you are enrolled and a class for which you are waitlisted will cause this to occur.    

Where can I find my status on the waitlist of a class?

Navigate to Student Schedule and Registration and review status details for the desired class.    

When does the waitlist stop enrolling students automatically into a class?

The automatic enrollment from the waitlist will cease at the close of the 5th business day after classes have started.   

After that date, a student may be admitted to a closed course only if granted an exception by the instructor.    

Will the waitlist process automatically enroll me in a course even if I am not eligible to take it because I have not completed the prerequisite courses,  I have already taken a more advanced course in the sequence,  or I have already attempted it two or more times?

In general, you will not be enrolled from the waitlist if you have not fulfilled a prerequisite or have exceeded the allowable number of repeat attempts. However, if you conditionally meet prerequisites (for example, you are currently enrolled in the required prerequisite class) you may be moved from the waitlist into the class. It is very important to plan your schedule in consultation with your advisor as you may be administratively removed from classes for which the prerequisite is not ultimately satisfied.  

Will I be enrolled from the waitlist in a section of a course if I am already enrolled in another section of the same course?

No. If you are already enrolled in a section of a course and are waitlisted for another section of the same course, the waitlist process will skip you and enroll the next eligible student on the waitlist.

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