How do I create a Quality Matters account?

All faculty and staff at UMBC may create a free account affiliated with Quality Matters. This account may be used to register for webinars and professional development, or to participate in a QM self-review or formal QM course review.

Tell Me

  1. You will create your myQM account using your UMBC credentials. Go to and click on myQM. You will find it at the top menu bar or at the bottom of the page.


  2. Next, enter your UMBC email address (your credentials) and check the radio button for “I am new here.” Click SIGN IN.

    • Note: If you already have a myQM account for UMBC, select “Yes, I have a password” and log in. Click SIGN IN. Skip to Step 5.

  3. At the next screen, fill out the form with your first and last name as well as preferred password.

    Under institution, search and selectUniversity of Maryland-Baltimore County” -- Be careful to select the correct institution name to guarantee you are associated with your UMBC account. 


  4. Select either one of the QM Coordinators at UMBC: Mariann Hawken or Susan Biro

  5. Verify your account after Quality Matters sends you a confirmation email.