What are the benefits to using a master course shell in Blackboard?

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A master course shell is a valuable resource for course coordinators and faculty alike. The template allows an instructor to create a primary course shell for managing the design and development for the course without limiting that vision to a specific term.

What is a master course shell? 
The master course shell model centralizes course management in one location unlike the current term-based model where faculty export and import semester to semester. Term-based courses will eventually rotate out of circulation, but a master shell will remain on the server indefinitely. The master shell becomes the most reliable source of content.

How much space does a master course receive?
Master course shells will receive 1 GB of disk space, which is twice the amount of space allotted for regular course shells. Term-based courses become leaner because an instructor can point to the master course's files as the central repository.

What are the benefits to using a master course shell?
Since master course shells always reside on the Blackboard server, faculty always have access to their original files for developing new course content, updating existing course content, and copying content into new sections. If you teach a course once every four years, your master course shell will be there for you!

We are also able to effectively manage course materials and create reusable learning objects to share across many courses, including those not your own. This makes the master course shell an effective tool to support consistency in curriculum, assessment, and content for redesign, accreditation, and other strategic planning.

What is the disadvantage to using a master course shell?
As with any Blackboard course site, once a course copy is processed, any updates made to the source shell's structure, HTML content, and interactive elements (e.g., assessments, discussions) are not automatically passed over to the destination. Therefore, it is important to make sure the master course is prepped and ready before running the course copy.

Do I have to share a master shell with all instructors who teach the same course?
No! You can have your own unique master course shell for your course materials and preferred course organization. You only have to share your master course shell if and when you are ready to share.

How do I request a master course shell?
Please open an RT ticket with your CourseID and course's name. Be sure to specify that you are requesting a master course shell.