How do I grade and return student submissions with Google Assignments?

How do I grade and return student submissions with Google Assignments?

After creating a Google Assignment, and students have turned in their submission, instructors will be able to grade directly into the Google file using the rich editing tools available through Google Apps.

Until the instructor begins to grade the assignment, students will continue to have edit access to their docs. However, the instructor can easily view the revision history on the doc.

1. From the Google Assignments Dashboard, click on a student submission.

Access to the Google Doc has now changed.


Before the instructor grades the assignment

While the instructor grades the assignment

After the instructor grades the assignment


Before the instructor grades the assignment

While the instructor grades the assignment

After the instructor grades the assignment


Edit, with Ownership rights

View Only

Edit, with Ownership rights



Comment, with Ownership rights

View Only*

Copy, with Edit and Ownership rights, saved in Google Drive

To learn more about editing access and ownership rights, visit this support page from Google

2. On the right click on the Grading icon.

3. Enter the grade and/or overall feedback.

If you are using a rubric, click on the Criterion name to view the columns. Click on the feedback, and the default points will appear. You may adjust the default points by clicking on the point box and manually entering a number number. 

4. Click Return. Once returned, the score will automatically sync and post to Blackboard.



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