Residential Network

Residential Network


Users in rooms with a wireless access point (white box labeled "Cisco") installed will need to connect to it. All other jacks in those rooms have been disabled. Any port on the bottom of the access point except "Passthrough" should work.

If you are in a room without a wireless access point you may use your wall jack. If you don’t get a connection with the wall jack, check the room to see if there is another jack present - by default only one jack will be active in the room.

UMBC provides a 10/100/1000  Mbps network connection to every student living on campus. Access may be easily obtained by plugging in an Ethernet cable from your computer to one of the three ports located on the bottom of our wireless device or the jack provided in each residential room. Each port  has been configured to have one IP address.

Students can obtain a public (non-shared) IP address by registering their device. Users should register their device before first use and will only be required to register once per Academic Year. Students will need to know the MAC address of the device they wish to register. Instructions for locating your device's MAC address can be found in the links below. These IP addresses aren't shared, but are protected by the UMBC campus firewall.  If for some reason your activity doesn't work from behind the firewall, you can instead register your device's MAC address via https://nofirewall.resnet.umbc.edu.

Each network port can only be used by a single device, but if your room has a Cisco wireless access point on it, you can connect devices to all three ports on the bottom of it.  If you need to connect more devices than available ports, a router with wireless disabled may be required. Use a Category 5e Ethernet cable or better to connect to the network. Ethernet cables may be purchased from the Campus Bookstore. 


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