How do I connect to campus wireless (Eduroam)?

How do I connect to campus wireless (Eduroam)?

The eduroam network was developed in Europe to support people in higher education using wireless networks at other higher education institutions.  Since then, eduroam has expanded beyond the 1900 institutions using it in Europe to include over 30 countries, including Australia, Canada, and the United States. The eduroam network can be used at UMBC as easily as it can at another university.  Once you configure your device to use eduroam it will automatically sign you in - and work anywhere in the world that the eduroam wireless SSID name appears - including here at UMBC. Additionally, the eduroam network provides a higher level of security than conventional, unencrypted wireless. When you use eduroam, all traffic between your device and the wireless access point is encrypted using WPA2. For those interested, the eduroam community has developed a short video providing an overview of how it works.

The eduroam network is available to all faculty, staff, and students to use here at UMBC and anywhere in the world it is available -- all for free!  All you need is your myUMBC email address and password. Setup for eduroam usually takes less than 5 minutes and once you do this you shouldn't have to do anything more, unless you change your myUMBC password. When you activate your device, you are done.

Information you will need:

  • Username - use "username@umbc.edu", where username is your myUMBC username

  • Password - your myUMBC password


Find out Where You Can Use Eduroam

Click here where eduroam is available outside of UMBC.


If you change your myUMBC password, you will need to update your password in your eduroam settings as well.

  1. Go to Settings (Windows + I keyboard shortcut)

  2. Select Network & Internet.

  3. Then scroll down and click on "Manage Wi-Fi settings."

  4. Then scroll down until you find eduroam, click on it, and then click on "Forget."


Please select your operating system from the list below to proceed to the connection instructions tailored to your device:

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