How do I connect to Eduroam using macOS?

How do I connect to Eduroam using macOS?

Step 1: Download the eduroam configuration profile

Visit https://cat.eduroam.org/?idp=248&profile=346 and click "Download your eduroam installer - Apple Devices". Your browser may ask you to confirm the download. After the profile is downloaded, open your Downloads folder and double-click on the eduroam-OS_X-UoMBC.mobileconfig icon.

If you have previously connected to the eduroam network with your macOS computer, you must clear the existing settings for that network. Open System Preferences, then click Network, select Wifi on the left, click Advanced, then select eduroam in the list of networks and click the "-" button underneath to remove it.

Step 2: Install the eduroam profile

Depending on your version of macOS, you may see a message asking you if you want to install the profile:

If not, open System Preferences and click on the Profiles icon. Then select eduroam and click Install:

At this point you should be asked to enter your username and password. Be sure to use your whole UMBC email address, ending in "@umbc.edu".

After entering your username/password, click Install. You may be asked to enter a password for your local macOS account to make the change. At this point you should be ready to connect:

If anything goes wrong in this process (or if you need to update your stored password after changing it), you can start over by opening System Preferences->Profiles, selecting eduroam, and clicking the "-" button below to remove it, and opening System Preferences→Network, selecting Wifi, clicking Advanced, selecting eduroam from the list and clicking the "-" button below to remove it. Then follow the instructions again from the beginning.

Once you have connected to the eduroam network, you should remove the UMBC Visitor and/or UMBC Campus networks from your wifi settings, or your computer could still try to connect to them under some circumstances. From System Preferences, click the Networks icon, then select Wifi from the list on the left, and click Advanced. Scroll through the Preferred Networks list to find the entries for UMBC Visitor or UMBC Campus, click on them, and click the - (minus) button beneath the list to remove that network.

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