Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki
Best Practices and Procedures for Scheduling Meetings
As the reference services specialist for the reference department. It is your responsibility to schedule regular internal meetings for the department, in addition to regular meetings between most staff members and the head of the department.
Internal Meeting Scheduling Procedures:
Meetings are scheduled for 1.5 hours every two weeks.
Meetings should be scheduled on days to maximize the number of attendees. Therefore, meetings ought not be scheduled on Mondays or Fridays, due to the number of department members that presently work weekends, or have off on Fridays as a matter of course.
All reference staff members, the media librarian, the associate director supervising reference, and the information technology librarian are invited to internal meetings. The head of the department will notify you if the situation is otherwise.
Meetings should be scheduled during times of day to maximize the number of attendees. Consequently, at present, meetings must be scheduled between 11:30 am and 3:00 pm due to the number of staff members that leave earlier in the day, and the number of staff members that come in later in the day.
Meetings should be scheduled when there is an experienced student assistant available to work the desk. If no such student is available during the window of time (e.g. 11:30 - 3, Tuesday through Thursday).
Presently, each meeting will have some adjunct element added to it. As it stands, EDS updates, Instruction Discussion, and Annual Goals Review are the adjunct items. These items are added cyclically - so the order of meetings for a given semester might look like this: Meeting with EDS, Meeting with Instruction, Meeting with Annual Goals, Meeting with EDS, Meeting with Instruction, Meeting with Annual Goals, etc. According to such a schedule each adjunct element is revisited every six weeks. If the adjunct elements are changed or eliminated, the head of the department will notify you.
Meetings that include the adjunct component of EDS or Annual Goals Review must be scheduled in 259. If 259 is unavailable, 353 may possibly be used. Consult with the Library Administrative Office’s General Assistant to determine if 353 may be used. If neither are available, defer to the head of the department.
Meeting minutes ought to be recorded along the following form. Refer to the archive of meeting minutes to gain a sense of the dimensions of brevity and depth that are expected of meeting minutes.
Meeting minutes ought to be given over to the department for review within five business days of the meeting. After review, make any changes necessary, and place the minutes into the appropriate folder on Box - notifying the department of its placement.
Scheduling Individual Meetings:
The head of the department meets with most librarians every three weeks. The head of the department meets with the reference services specialist every two weeks. The head of the department will notify you of who they will meet with, and how frequently, if any of the above should change.
Meetings are scheduled for .5 hours. The exception to this being mid-year and annual meetings, which are scheduled for 1 hour. The head of the department will determine which meeting dates will be used for mid-year and annual meetings.
Once aware of the frequency of meetings, schedule the meetings in google calendar. Be sure to invite the head of the department, and the specific individual with whom he or she is meeting.
Once the head of the department has accepted the meetings in google calendar, and has notified you of their acceptance, change the ownership of the meetings over to the head of the department. This will make it easier for the head of the department to change meeting times in the case of schedule conflicts.
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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian