Creating a New Subject Guide

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Creating a New Subject Guide

Copy and Paste method

  1. Navigate to the Subject Guides templates located at:
    I:\Reference\Subject Guides\Template

  2. create a new folder for your subject guide (name the folder with the academic subject area abbreviation)

  3. copy the contents from an existing guide and paste into the new folder

  4. edit the content of the pages (see Editing Subject Guides) - if you change the name of a tab be sure that you make the same change on all pages.

  5. delete any pages that you don't need - if you delete a page make sure to delete the corresponding tab from all other pages.

Create using a template

Index Page (Article Databases)

  1. Navigate to the Subject Guides templates located at:
    I:\Reference\Subject Guides\Template

  2. Open the index.php file to edit

  3. Replace all instances of 'SUBJECT' with the subject for the Subject Guide (i.e. American Studies)

  4. Navigate to the links section. This is where you will create the different tabs. The first tab should always be "Article Databases"

  5. Add additional tabs by editing the "Tab 2" and "Tab 3" codes, or adding additional lines of similar code. You can have a total of 8 tabs.

  6. Near the bottom of the 'help-box', there is the Journal Article Quick-Search. This search is different depending on the Subject. Academic Search Premier can be used for all Subject Guides.

    1. To add an additional database to search, first go to Research Port.

    2. Find the database(s) you wish to use.

    3. In the results list, click the 'i' icon below the database name

    4. Scroll to the bottom of the window that pops-up and find the Direct URL. Copy last 8 values (UMD0163 in the case of Academic Search Premier) and substitute them for RESEARCH PORT ID in the code. If the database does not have a Direct URL, then it can not be used for this purpose.

  7. At the bottom of the page is a link to All Online Resources for the given subject. Make sure to change the SUBJECT name here and insert the corresponding subject number where it says SUBJECT NUMBER HERE. The number can be found in the Refdbs Subjects table.

Contact Information

  1. To change the information that appears in the contact box, open the contact.txt file.

  2. In this file, change the fields which appear in all capital letters (LIBRARIAN NAME, E-MAIL, PHONE NUMBER, and SUBJECT.

  3. Make sure the SUBJECT field corresponds with the title of the Subject Guide.

Set of Secondary Links

  1. To add a secondary list to the current tab, edit the list following the <ul id="secondary">

  2. When changing the #LINKNAME, be sure to leave the #

  3. Scroll down to the page content area of the code. Change the LINKNAME in this area to correspond with the LINKNAME in the code above, leaving the # out.

  4. Change the page content below to the corresponding content under each link.

Subsequent Tab Pages

  1. Make sure the Article Databases link is a regular link (<a href...>) and not a span element.

  2. In the tab link section at the top of each page, the tab for the current page should be displayed as a span element.


  1. When you finished editing the pages and ready to save them, select File -> Save As

  2. In the Save As window, navigate to the Web Drive (typically the F Drive) -> subjectguides ->

  3. If you are creating a new Subject Guide that does not already have a folder, create a new one, abbreviating the subject and ending with -SG.

  4. If you are adding a new tab to an existing Subject Guide, navigate to the appropriate folder and save the file there.

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(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian