Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Reference Services Survey

Report_Reference Services Survey Fall 2013.pdfThis survey is an evaluation instrument of services at the Reference Desk, Library H3lp, e-mail questions or RT sent to to the reference librarians.



  • To evaluate our service performance. The survey will measure the quality of interaction between the librarian and the library patron.

  • To analyze the variety of patron needs and the level of patron's satisfaction

Measures: qualitative (based on the number of surveyed library users) and quantitative data (the analysis of the survey itself); Both have their value for the analysis

Data collection instrument:

Options for answers

  • Yes/no

  • Multiple choice

  • Open ended

Number of questions: 5-7

The survey has two versions:

The answers on the print form will be entered manually to the online version by  ref student/s assistant/s for the complete analysis.

Measures to increase the access to the web based version:

  • An automatic message with the link of the survey could be sent to the patrons who ask questions via chat or RT (e-mail to reference email).

  • The librarian at the ref desk could send the link to the patron before the chat ends.

  • The patrons who come in person could be asked to submit the online survey at the lower  front desk computer in the reference area.

  • QR code, added to the print version of the survey

  • QR code located at the main reference desk in the corner behind the computer monitor.

The Reference Services Survey periods:

1. February 15th - March 15th, 2011

2. February 20 - March 14th, 2012

3.September 17th - November 19th  Link to the web based survery:, Print form Reference Survey 2012 Fall


Report on Reference Services Survey - Spring 2011.docx

Report on Reference Services Survey - Spring 2012.docx

Report on Reference Services Survey Fall 2012.pdf

Report on Reference Services Survey Spring 2013.pdf

Report on Reference Services Survey Fall 2013.pdf

Report on Reference Services Survey Fall 2014.pdf

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian