Library Locations Training Exercise

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Library Locations Training Exercise

Library Locations Training Exercise

  1. Where would you send someone who is looking for materials reserved by his/her professor for class?

  2. Where would you send someone who wants the following book: Stacks-Folio ND813.G7G34 1971?

  3. Where would you send someone who is supposed to meet his class here for a session with one of the reference librarians?

  4. Where would you send someone looking for a paper copy of yesterday's Baltimore Sun?

  5. How would you direct a non-UMBC person who wants to print pages out from a RefWeb station?

  6. Where would you send someone who needs a particular article from a 1993 issue of Psychology Today?

  7. Where would you send someone wanting to watch the videotaped lecture his biology teacher gave three weeks ago?

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