Restricting and Disabling Chat in Webex Meetings

Restricting and Disabling Chat in Webex Meetings

  1. Go to webex.edu and log in using your UMBC credentials.

  2. Click Schedule on your Webex homepage to schedule a meeting.

  3. Enter a Meeting Topic and select the appropriate Date and Time. Enter the email addresses of your attendees in the Attendees box.

  4. Click the drop-down for Show Advanced Options.

  5. Select Scheduling Options.

  6. Disable Chat Entirely:

    1. Click Edit Meeting Options.

    2. Under Edit Meeting Options, uncheck the box labeled Chat. This will disable chat for everyone in the meeting.

  7. Restrict chat between participants:

    1. Click Edit Attendee Privileges

    2. Under Participate in Private Chat with, uncheck Other Participants. This restricts participants from private chatting with other participants. A group chats public to everyone in the meeting is still available, and the host and presenters can still chat with participants individually.








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