What is the Department Pay and Fringe Detail by Pay Period report?

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What is the Department Pay and Fringe Detail by Pay Period Report?

The Department Pay and Fringe Detail by Pay Period report allow users to see all payroll activities associated with a specific department or project during a selected period of time.

Who Should use this report?

Department Heads, Business Managers, and other administrative users looking for payroll information for a specific chart-string.

This report is similar to the PeopleSoft HR report.

Additionally, this report can run for multiple fiscal years, which can help manage non-fiscal year related projects like sponsored awards.

Running the report

File Path: Financial Services > Payroll Reports > By Department > Department Pay and Fringe Detail by Pay Period


Dept Phrase: Name or ID - Enter a department ID or the beginning of a department's name.

Department - Confirm the department using the dropdown.

From Run ID - Select the Run ID to start the report. Run ID's are derived from the four-digit fiscal year (2018) followed by three digits representing the pay period (003) i.e. 2018003.

To Run ID - Select the last RunID you wish to see.

Fund - Select one or multiple funds.

Prog-Fin - Select one or multiple prog-fins.

Projects - Select one or multiple Projects.

Business Unit - Defaults to UMBC1.

View By- Select Employee to see a sum of pay by employee name or select detail to see individual pay journal lines.

How to read the report?

When viewing the report by Employee, the user initially only sees the Employee Name and the pay and fringe amounts.

Clicking on the box next to the employee name displays all the Run ID's, chart-strings, and other payroll information for that employee.

For further account information, click the box next to "Salary & Wages Total" to expand.

When viewing the report by Detail, the user sees all pay lines related to the selected department for the time period.