What is the Employee Pay and Fringe Detail by Multiple Fiscal Years report?
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What is the Employee Pay and Fringe Detail by Multiple Fiscal Years report?
The Employee Pay and Fringe Detail by Multiple Fiscal Years report allows users to search by employee to show the amount and source of pay by line or Run-ID.
Who should use this report?
Users looking for payroll information like chart-string, job codes, HR accounts, and retroactive activity on a specific employee.
The report shows "retros" making it a use force resource for department's performing payroll adjustments.
The report is able to cross fiscal years and presents total amounts for the selected employee and time period.
Running the Report
Search Phrase - Enter an employee ID or the beginning of an employee's last name.
Employee - Confirm the employee using the drop down.
From Run ID - Select the Run ID to start the report. Run ID's are derived from the four digit fiscal year (2018) followed by three digits representing the pay period (003) i.e. 2018003.
To Run ID - Select the last RunID you wish to see.
Department - Select one or multiple departments (Including roll-ups).
Fund - Select one or multiple funds.
Prog-Fin - Select one or multiple prog-fins.
Projects - Select one or multiple Projects.
View By- Select Run ID to see a sum of employees total pay by Run ID or select detail to see individual pay journal lines.
Business Unit - Defaults to UMBC1.
How to read the report?
When viewing the report by Run ID, the user initially only sees the Run ID and the amount.
Clicking on the box next to the Run ID displays the chart-strings and other payroll information for that Run ID.
When viewing the report by Detail, the user sees all pay lines related to the selected employee for the time period.
Drill Down
A data download is available at the bottom of the report that will provide the same report that is able to cleanly export into Excel.