What is the Sponsored Projects Summary Report - Actuals Only?

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What is the Sponsored Projects Summary Report - Actuals Only

The Sponsored Projects Summary Report Actuals Only is an exact replica of the the Grant Financial Summary in PeopleSoft.

Who should use this report?

Users who used the Grant Financial Summary Report in PeopleSoft to find compare grant spending vs the grant budget.

The report can cross fiscal years, which makes the report useful for sponsored projects with budgets that do no operate on UMBC’s fiscal calendar.

Running the Report

File Path: Financial Services > Sponsored Projects Reports > Sponsored Projects Summary Report - Actuals Only


Project search - Quickest way is to type the project number in this field.

Project - Confirm the project.

Set the report period:

Date Range Begin

Date Range End

Reading the Report

The top of the page will show the informative detail of the award like the title, sponsor, PeopleSoft Award Number and project dates.

The actual summary is grouped into several expense sections. The columns shows the amount budgeted, then the amount expensed during the selected date range.

The third column shows the amount incurred during UMBC’s fiscal year (7/30 to 6/1).

The last 3 columns are summaries of all the expenses during the award’s lifetime.

The last page has 3 important lines for a total summary of the expenses:

  • "Direct Cost Totals for Project" - This is the total amount of expenses excluding overhead costs.

  • "F&A Cost Totals for Project" - The overhead (Indirect, F&A) costs for the award.

  • "Totals for Project" - Sums the previous two lines.