How do I create a grading schema inside the Original Blackboard Grade Center?


In the Grade Center, when an item is graded, a numeric score appears in the students' cells by default. You can choose to display grades in other ways with grading schemas. A schema takes the points scored on an item and compares it to the item's total points possible to derive a percentage. This percentage is mapped to a range of scores and displays a grade, such as a letter (A, B, C) or Pass/Fail. This information is presented in a table format.

You can associate the default grading schema with one or more columns in the Grade Center. When you grade items, the grade values (letters) appear in the cells in the Grade Center grid and to students in My Grades. You can choose not to show grades to students when creating or editing a column.

The Grade Center in an Original course includes a system copy of a default grading schema based on assigning letters to the percentages:

A = 90-100%
B = 80-90%
C = 70-80%
D = 60-70%
F = 0-60%

The default grading schema in Blackboard is not required by UMBC. Faculty can modify these values to tailor Blackboard's grading to their course's grading policy. 

Tell Me

  1. Inside the Blackboard course, click on the Grade Center.

  2. Click on the Full Grade Center link.

  3. Click on the Manage button.

  4. Click on the Grading Schemas option.

  5. Click on the Create Grading Schema button OR

  6. Next to Letter grading schema, click on the Chevron or action button.

  7. Click on the Edit button..

  8. Next to Name, enter in the name (Letter - Tweak) of the new Grading Schema.

  9. Next to Description, enter in the details of the description.

  10. Click Submit button.

  11. Enter in the new percentages of each letter grade (93% instead of 90% for the A).

  12. Once the above percentage is changed, the information should be updated with the next percentage and letter grade (90% will be updated).

  13. If needed, click on the Delete Row button to remove the row.

  14. If needed, click on arrow button to insert rows.

  15. When finished, click the Submit button.

  16. Green success message will be seen.

  17. New grading schema should appear.

  18. To return to Full Grade Center, click on the Grade Center link.

  19. Inside Grade Center, locate and click on Total (or Weighted Total) column's chevron button.

  20. Click on Edit Column Information option.

  21. Locate and click on the Primary Display arrows.

  22. Click on the created/edited letter grading schema (Letter - Tweak) to be Primary Display (which means visible inside Grade Center, My Grades).

  23. Secondary Display will only be visible inside Grade Center and not inside My Grades.

  24. Click on the Submit button.