Download or upload my Blackboard gradebook to or from Excel?

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  1. Open the Gradebook from your course navigation, and click on the Download icon.

  2. Select the data to download:

    • Full Grade Center - Contains all columns and associated data. Comments won't be included, and you can't add them offline.

    • Selected Columns - From this menu, select one or more column(s) and its data. Select the check box to include feedback for the selected column(s). Comments will download from the Quick Comment feature or Manual Override tab. You can edit included comment text offline. If all of the columns in your gradebook don't appear, click View More Columns.

  3. Select the file typeComma is preferable.

    • There is a known issue with Tab-delimited files that may generate an incorrect file extension or an error when attempting to open the file.

  4. Save location - My device is preferable.

    • This will allow you to open the gradebook in a spreadsheet application of your choice.

  5. Click Download. 

    • You do not need to right-click on this link. Simply clicking the download button should generate the file.

    • For security, you can only click on this link one time. If you did not download the grade center within a reasonable amount of time, the link will time out and you will need to repeat the download process.




Before you upload your gradebook into your Ultra course, you must download the exact gradebook first. See directions above. 

  1. Click on Upload icon: .

  2. Upload the file

    • Drop file into the file uploader. This will accept either a CSV or XLS (Excel) file

    • Browse file using the Upload a File tool to browse your computer or the Content Collection to browse your course's content collection 

  3. Use the checkboxes to determine which columns to upload to the gradebook

  4. Click Upload to upload the file.

Note: your grades are still not posted in your course. Edit the assignment to adjust its maximum points, category, and other assignment details. 

5. Post grades to make available to your students




Tips for Downloading

Both Comma-delimited files (.CSV) and Tab-delimited files (.TXT) are common data file types and can be opened in Excel.

  • CSV files are separated by commas.

  • TSV files are separated by tabs.

Tab-delimited files can be opened in Excel but must be saved as .TXT files. Saving the file in another format will make the file unreadable by the system when uploading.

Don't change the file name while saving because the Grade Center needs the information it contains to deliver it to the appropriate column if you plan to upload data back into Blackboard.

Excel may produce a warning message when opening a downloaded file. This will not affect the contents of your file. If a warning appears, click OK.


Tips for Uploading

Save your grade center spreadsheet as a CSV file.

Large files take significant time to process and a warning message appears for files that need extra time to process. To avoid long processing times, break up large files into separate uploads.

Any file you upload that contains an "Incomplete" for a grade entry will be set to null, with no grade or text displayed.

Any file you upload that contains "Complete" for a grade entry will be set to an override grade of the maximum points possible (100% for a grade item) in a column that has the primary display of Complete/incomplete.

Any file you upload that contains a numeric entry will be a numeric entry.