What file formats are supported by Box?

What file formats are supported by Box?

Basic Restrictions

You can upload any type of digital file to Box up to 50GB.

Preview Restrictions

Box has an integrated file viewer which allows you to see a file in its entirety before sharing the content or downloading it to your computer.  Below are some of the common file types that support the preview function. (A complete list is available from the Box support site: What file extension types can be viewed by Box's Content Preview?)

File Type 


File Type 



Adobe Acrobat (pdf), Adobe Illustrator (ai), Adobe Photoshop (psd)

Microsoft Office 

MS Excel (xls, xlsx), MS Powerpoint (ppt, pptx), MS Word (doc, docx)

Open Office 

Open Office Presentation (odp), Open Office Spreadsheet (ods), Open Office Word Processing (odt)


csv, rtf, txt, html 




jpeg, png, gif, tiff, bmp 


flv, swf, mp3, mp4, avi, mov, mpg, mpeg, wmv, qt, ra, ram

Size: Content preview can display files up to 35MB in size.

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