What are the different folder collaboration permissions available in Box?

What are the different folder collaboration permissions available in Box?

  • When inviting a user as a collaborator you specify the level of access that user has to your files.

Remember, you are responsible for any files you share or download to a device locally from your Box account!

The following are the permission levels available and a description of the type of access they provide.

  • Co-Owner: A Co-Owner has all of the functional read/ write access that an Editor does. This permission level has the added ability of being able to manage users in the folder. A Co-Owner can add new collaborators, change collaborators access, and remove collaborators (they will not be able to manipulate the owner of the folder or transfer ownership to another user).

  • Editor: An Editor has full read/ write access to a folder. They can view and download the contents of the folder, as well as upload new content into the folder. They have permission to delete items, edit items, comment of files, generate a shared link for items in the folder, and create tags. By default an Editor will be able to invite new collaborators to a folder, however an editor cannot manage users currently existing in the folder.

  • Viewer-Uploader: This access level is a combination of Viewer and Uploader. A Viewer-Uploader has full read access to a folder and limited write access. They will be able to preview any item using the integrated content viewer, and will be able to download any item in the folder. They can generate a shared link for any item in the folder as well as make comments on items. A Viewer-Uploader will also be able to upload content into the folder. If a Viewer-Uploader uploads an item with the same name as an existing item in the folder, the file will be updated and the existing version will be moved into the version history. They will not be able to add tags or invite new collaborators.

  • Previewer-Uploader: This access level is a combination of Previewer and Uploader. A user with this access level will be able to preview files in the folder using the integrated content viewer or a viewing application from the OpenBox directory such as Scribd and will also be able to upload items into the folder. If a Previewer-Uploader uploads an item with the same name as an existing item in the folder, the file will be updated and the existing version will be moved into the version history. They will have no other access to the files and will not be able to download or edit items in the folder.

  • Viewer: A Viewer has full read access to a folder. So they will be able to preview any item using the integrated content viewer, and will be able to download any item in the folder. A Viewer can generate a shared link for any item in the folder as well as make comments on items. A viewer will not be able to add tags, invite new collaborators, upload, or edit items in the folder.

  • Previewer: A Previewer only has limited read access. This permission level allows a user to view the items in the folder using the integrated content viewer. They will have no other access to the files and will not be able to download, edit, or upload into the folder.

  • Uploader: An Uploader is the most limited access that a user can have in a folder and provides limited write access. A user assigned Uploader will see the items in a folder but will not be able to download or view the items. The only action available will be to upload content into the folder. If an Uploader uploads an item with the same name as an existing item in the folder, the file will be updated and the existing version will be moved into the version history.