Third-Party Tools in Blackboard

Third-Party Tools in Blackboard

Blackboard supports a variety of third-party tools through Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) integrations.

These integrations support:

  • Single-sign on between third-party content or services, and
  • Improve instructor/student efficiency by streamlining usage or synchronizing grades

Recommended UMBC Articles

 Third-Party Tool FAQS

Getting Started

Select a tool

  • Review the available tools below to see options available to all UMBC users and those available through the Course Materials Initiative.
  • If you're adding an institutionally-approved tool, review available FAQs for the tool.
  • If you're adopting a publisher integration, please work with the Bookstore.

Request a new tool

Available Tools & Support

Available Tools

 Tools Available in Blackboard

The following tools are available in UMBC’s Blackboard Learn environment as of SP2023. Please click on the name of the tool to access UMBC FAQs or vendor support websites. A tool on this list does not mean Instructional Technology provides direct support. In some cases, users must obtain support directly from the vendor.

Select the tool's name, status icon, or vendor resources for additional resources and support information.

Tool Status Assessments    Content   Collaboration   Attendance  Polling

Tool NameStatusDescriptionTool Uses
Bubble sheet test scoring

Ares Library Reserves
Provides access to AOK Library Reserves systems


Class Collaborate

Synchronous meeting platform. Formerly Blackboard Collaborate.
** end of support scheduled for summer 2025 **



Supports integration of interactive, web-based lessons. 

Google Assignments

Create an assignment that students utilize a Google Drive file type and instructors grade through Google Drive.

Google Drive File Embed

Embed a native Google Drive file in your Blackboard course as a view-only document.


Library Research Guides
Access Library Research Guides from the UMBC Library.


Microsoft OneDrive ↗︎

Allow faculty to add a read-only document or create a collaborative document for student


Microsoft OneNote 

Allow faculty to add a OneNote class notebook to a Bb course shell.


Microsoft Teams for Blackboard

Allows faculty to create Microsoft Teams Classes in Ultra courses.



Allow faculty to link course to Panopto video platform.

Poll Everywhere

Faculty may sync Poll Everywhere participation and grade data with the Blackboard gradebook.


Qwickly Attendance Plus

Supports taking attendance & student check-in.


Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor

Customized browser to secure the Blackboard test environment.


Supports interactive discussions and asynchronous engagement.


Allows faculty to schedule Virtual Meetings and create appointment slots for Office Hours with students.

NOTE: You can use Webex to set up meetings, but the Teams integration does not work due to Blackboard's email configuration.


 Publisher Integrations Available for Course Adoption

The following publisher integrations can be linked to Blackboard along with certain course materials selected through the Course Materials Initiative (CMI). Please contact the UMBC Bookstore if you are considering adopting a tool listed below. If you need help with a specific publisher integration, please visit the Vendor Support links below or visit the technical support directory

ToolDescriptionVendor Support
Academic Writer

Supports students who have questions about how to conduct research, structure their papers, and format what they write using APA Style.

Academic Writer Support↗︎

AcrobatiqSupports adaptive learning of specific course curriculum. Acrobatiq Support↗︎
ALEKSSupports interactive homework & quizzes for science & math.

McGraw-Hill Support↗︎

Bookshelf by VitalSourceSupports access to e-textbooks & course materials on computers & mobile devices (for the UMBC Course Materials Initiative).

VitalSource Support↗︎ 

VitalSource Status↗︎

Cengage Learning MindLinks

Integration for Mindtap, Aplia & CogLab course materials.

Cengage Support↗︎

 Cengage Support.

Knewton Alta↗︎Wiley adaptive courseware

Knewton Alta Support↗︎

InQuizitiveIntegration for W.W. Norton course materials. 

Norton Support↗︎

Jones & Bartlett Learning

Integration for JB Learning course materials.

JB Learning Support ↗︎

  • Phone: 1-800-832-0034
  • Monday - Friday, 8:30am-8pm Eastern option #2) 

LabArchives NotebooksProvides curated collections of 500+ lab activities, protocols, course-packs, and OpenStax textbooks for faculty to use in courseLabArchives Support↗︎
LabsterProvides virtual labs for science coursesLabster Support↗︎
Lumen LearningSupports integration of Open Educational ResourcesLumen Support↗︎
Macmillan LearningProvides seamless access to Macmillan’s Achieve, LaunchPad, or Sapling Learning. Key functionality includes single sign-on, deep linking capability to all Macmillan content at the chapter and asset level, and automated gradebook refresh.

Macmillan Support↗︎

Sapling Learning Knowledge Base ↗︎

McGraw-Hill Connect and Create

Integration for McGraw-Hill course materials.

How-To Guides / Knowledge Base:

McGraw-Hill Support↗︎

Registration is required for support

MyDesign (e4usa)Provides Blackboard integration for the e4usa MyDesign engineering platform.Support: mydesign-support@e4usa.org
Open Learning InitiativeSupports interactive textbooks with learning activities, assessments, and rich simulations. OLI Support↗︎

Oxford Insight &  Oxford Learning Link

Integration for Oxford course materials.

Oxford Support↗︎

Pearson's MyLab & Mastering / Revel

Integration for Pearson course materials.

How-To Guides / Knowledge Base:

Pearson Support↗︎

Registration is preferred for Pearson Support, but guest/anonymous access is available.


PsycLearn is a component of the American Psychological Association's effort to provide effective digital solutions for undergraduate students and instructors.

PsycLearn Support ↗︎

Signing Naturally Interactive Online Student MaterialsSigning Naturally provides curricular materials for the instruction of American Sign Language (ASL) as a second languageDawnSign Support↗︎
Soomo Learning

Frequently Asked Questions↗︎

TestOutProvides IT training courseware and certification examsTestOut Support↗︎
Top Hat

Integration for TopHat course materials and assessments.

Instructor resources:

Connecting Blackboard Ultra to Top Hat↗︎

Deep Linking Top Hat Content↗︎

Top Hat Support Online Form↗︎ (online form)

Email: support@tophat.com 

Top Hat Support↗︎

Phone and live chat hours:
Monday - Friday | 9AM - 9PM EST
Phone: +1 (888) 663-5491. Live chat can be accessed from within the Top Hat platform.

Turning Technologies ClickersSynchronizes clickers to Bb roster & Bb grade center.Turning Technologies Support↗︎
Vista Higher Learning (VHL) CentralIncorporate structures and vocabulary from a variety of sources including text, video, and live communication practice, with opportunities for skill-building in every lessonVista Higher Learning Support↗︎

Integration for WebAssign course materials & assessments.

How-to Help

Cengage Support↗︎

24/7 Support for Students

WileyPLUSIntegration for Wiley course materials.Wiley Support↗︎
zyBooksInteractive web textbooks.zyBooks Support↗︎
VitalSourceSupports access to e-textbooks & course materials on computers & mobile devices (for the UMBC Course Materials Initiative).

VitalSource Support↗︎   

VitalSource Status↗︎

 Department Tools

The following tools are used by specific departments or units. Please submit an RT request for questions related to these tools.

Building Block / ToolPurposeVendor Support      
BadgrSupports badging, achievements, and gamification in courses. Also known as Canvas Credentials.

CSEE Department use only for CMSC courses.

Student Guides↗︎

Crowdmark Support↗︎

Submit a support request ↗︎

Email support: support@crowdmark.com

Link a tool to your Blackboard course

Linking Options

 Add a link via the Content Market
The Content Market is your gateway to access valuable learning materials from content providers. The third-party content and tools you add will appear on the Course Content page your other course materials. If a tool provider allows, you can add multiple pieces of their content to your course in just a few clicks.
  1. On the Course Content page, select the plus sign (+) wherever you want to add content.
  2. Select Content Market. You can find and add content from content providers or browse the list of tools your institution has already made available. 

 Add teaching tools with the LTI connection

Some tools can be added with an LTI link as long as your publisher/vendor provides you with LTI compliant credentials.

  1. On the Course Content page, select the plus sign (+) wherever you want to add content. You can also expand or create a folder and add content.
  2. Click Create.
  3. When the right panel opens, select Teaching Tools with LTI connection.

  4. On the New LTI Link panel, title the tool and type or paste the Configuration URL
    • If the LTI connection requires a key or a shared secret, these fields appear after you add the URL. 
    • You can also set the link to open in a separate window, allow class conversations, enable grading, and type a description that appears with the tool on the Course Content page. 
    • If you don't add a title, New LTI Link and the date appear in the content list.

In all cases, when students select the link on the Course Content page, they're brought to the content.

 Add Content via Books & Tools

On the Course Content page, select Books and Tools under the Details & Actions menu to view the publisher content you've already used in your course and tools you might be interested in.

The list of suggested tools contains the authorized tools for UMBC. Select the plus sign to use a tool in your course. If there is no plus sign, then the tool is only accessible by the instructor and cannot be added as a link within the course.

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