How do I remove Automatic Zeros from the Ultra Gradebook?

When automatic zeros are enabled, Blackboard will assign zeros to missing work past the due date. Students and groups can still submit work after an automatic zero is assigned to improve their score, if the assignment settings allow late submission. Note: Automatic zeros do not apply to submissions that are collected offline.

Example: In the example below, an automatic zero has been applied for the Discussion assignment.

Automatic Zero Example.png
An automatic zero is applied for Discussion 1.

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  1. To remove Automatic Zeros, access the Gradebook Settings by selecting the gear icon in the gradebook.

    Select Gradebook Settings.png


  2. Uncheck the box next to “Assign automatic zeros for past due work” to remove automatic zeros.


  3. If you would like to remove any automatic zeros that have already been applied in the gradebook, select “Clear existing automatic zeros.” Select “confirm” to apply the change.