What can I do with the Gradebook in Ultra?

What you CAN do with the Ultra gradebook:

  • Create calculations in columns (total, min/max, average, weighted) with customized variables and formulas

  • Weigh by categories OR individual assignments/columns

  • Automatically enter zeroes for unsubmitted assignments

  • Modify the grading schema

  • Upload or download gradebook as CSV

  • View as list or grid (spreadsheet) 

  • Download student submissions from column

  • Run test analysis from column

  • Hide column from students

  • Create new categories for gradebook

  • Hold all completed grades in queue until ready for posting

  • Search using filters

  • Weigh by categories AND individual assignments/columns

  • View grade center history or submissions receipts

  • Sort students by first name, last name, student ID, etc.

  • Add multiple grading schema

  • Send individual messages

  • Send reminders to students for unsubmitted assignments

  • View column statistics

What your CAN’T do with the Ultra gradebook:

  • Create grading period

  • Hide column from students and instructor

  • Hide rows / columns

  • Sort students by campusID