LEEC May 2008 Minutes

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

LEEC May 2008 Minutes

Library Employee Enrichment Committee (LEEC) - Minutes: May 29, 2008

Attendees: Pat Garnett, Rachel Shapiro, June Yang, Simmona Simmons, and LaTanya West

LaTanya will serve as chair of the committee from now until June, 2009.

Simmona spoke to Jill from the UMBC Development and Training office about presenting a "hands-on" customer service/Skillsoft workshop. The group will invite Jill to the next LEEC meeting to decide on training content.

Pat suggested a possible visit to the new Financial Services offices sometime in June. Pat will find a contact person to look at organizing this visit.

There was a brainstorming session discussing ways to increase interest in and knowledge of LEEC and what it does. The following was suggested:
-          a small incentive program for a short period of time
-          adding some type of quick interactive training to Library Assembly meetings
-          possibly plan an event in conjunction with CHEERS- Pat is already a CHEERS member

The group is looking at planning a breakfast training session. The tentative topic is "Public Speaking". Simmona will look at inviting an outside speaker. This event will require participants to RSVP. The tentative time is the first week of August with a 9:30 am -11:00 am timeframe. LaTanya will look into booking a space and members will discuss details at next LEEC meeting.

June asked if we were still interested in planning a trip to the National Archives in College Park. LaTanya will contact Lucy Rector about getting a contact person.

Simmona reported that Morgan is yet to be receptive to us coming to visit their new building.

It was also suggested that LEEC host a training fair once a year (possibly) or do something in conjunction with the Ice Cream Social.

LaTanya will complete the draft of the newsletter and have it out for committee review by June 15th.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian