Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki
Circulation - Self-Check Machine
The self-check machine should be shut down at closing and turned on in the morning. Use the Admin card to shut it down, or restart it. If the machine is frozen and must be manually restarted, wait 30 seconds between turning it off and turning it on again.
Load printer paper with the paper extending from the bottom of the roll through the front
During check-out if the red scan line disappears and won’t come back – print receipt and start over. If that doesn’t work, Restart.
Error Messages
Magnetic Media or Expired Patron (only comes up when patron scans item barcode):
Item not checked out
Please take item to desk
Unable to loan/renew item
Blocked Patron:
Invalid card
Please take item to desk
Patron in file
Item is already checked out to another patron:
Item not checked out
Please take item to desk
Item already on loan
Item has Lost status:
Item not checked out
Please take item to desk
Lost or Claimed Returned item
Item is not in the system:
Item not checked out
Please take item to desk
Error retrieving item
Item is already checked out to that patron, and has maximum due date:
Item not checked out
Please take item to desk
Loan cannot be renewed (no change in due date)
System is responding slowly: - just leave book in cradle, don’t move it
Getting item information
from circulation system
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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian