How do I connect to Eduroam with an Android device?
If your phone is running Android 10 or older, you should follow the instructions contained within How do I connect to Eduroam with an older Android device?
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The December 2020 security update to Android version 11 introduced a security change that prevents connecting to eduroam in the regular way. To connect your Android 11 (or newer) device to eduroam:
Download the "geteduroam" application from the Google Play Store.
Once the app installs, launch it and tap on the search bar under the "Institution" header.
Search for "University of Maryland, Baltimore County" and select the listing for UMBC that appears, then tap Next.
Ensure the UMBC header appears at the top of your screen, similar to the screenshot below.
5. Enter your myUMBC email address (the username must end with and password into the corresponding fields and tap "Connect to Network".
6. You should receive a confirmation message and see the eduroam network connect shortly. If you do not connect to the eduroam wireless after seeing the confirmation message, please double-check your username and password.
You will not need to use the Android Settings app to configure this connection, all details will be entered on this app and no configuration is necessary in Settings.
Your device may or may not require the geteduroam app to be installed to maintain a connection to eduroam. You may attempt to uninstall the app once you are connected, but if you then lose connection, you will need to keep the app on your device.