Configuring Alpine with Gmail
This is for configuring your local Alpine client to read and write emails from Gmail.
S for Setup
L for List Collections
A for Add New
Nickname: Gmail
You can leave Path and View blank.
NOTE: If you're setting up a personal gmail account, you will instead use:
After you type in the server, it should prompt you for your password.If you're using a UMBC email, it should prompt an error about authentication. Follow this link and enable Less Secure Allowance:
If you're using a personal email and Two-Factor Authentication, you will have to create an App password for Google:
Either hit RETURN to retry the password authentication, or enter your password again if it Follow the onscreen prompts:
Create a new project
The location can be wherever you have access to.Fill out OAUTH consent form and select Internal.
After hitting Create, fill out the app registration.
App name: Alpine
User support email:
You can skip the App domain section since it's not mandatory.
Email address: yourumbcid@umbc.eduCreate OAUTH credentials and select OAuth client ID. Then select Desktop App.
You'll get a screen prompt stating your Client ID and Client Secret. Click OK.
Exit screen prompt on Alpine with E. Then Ctrl+X to exit and save, then E to exit back to the main menu.
Select S, then U to save the settings. Select E to Exit Setup to go back to the main menu.
Select S for setup, then C for config.
Highlight SMTP Server (for sending) and select A to insert your email.
NOTE: If you're using a personal gmail account, you'll instead use: down to Folder Preferences and make sure the following are checked:
Combined Folder Display
Compensate for Deficient IMAP servers
Enable Incoming Folders Collection
Enable Incoming Folders Checking
Select E to exit and then Yes to save settings.
On main menu, L for Folder List. Gmail should be listed here.
Select Gmail and then INBOX to check your mail.