Configuring Alpine with Gmail

This is for configuring your local Alpine client to read and write emails from Gmail.

  1. S for Setup

  2. L for List Collections

  3. A for Add New

  4. Nickname: Gmail
    You can leave Path and View blank.
    NOTE: If you're setting up a personal gmail account, you will instead use:
    After you type in the server, it should prompt you for your password.

  5. If you're using a UMBC email, it should prompt an error about authentication. Follow this link and enable Less Secure Allowance:

    1. If you're using a personal email and Two-Factor Authentication, you will have to create an App password for Google:

  6. Either hit RETURN to retry the password authentication, or enter your password again if it Follow the onscreen prompts:


  7. Create a new project

    The location can be wherever you have access to.

  8. Fill out OAUTH consent form and select Internal.

  9. After hitting Create, fill out the app registration.
    App name: Alpine
    User support email:

    You can skip the App domain section since it's not mandatory.

    Email address:

  10. Create OAUTH credentials and select OAuth client ID. Then select Desktop App.

  11. You'll get a screen prompt stating your Client ID and Client Secret. Click OK.

  12. Exit screen prompt on Alpine with E. Then Ctrl+X to exit and save, then E to exit back to the main menu.

  13. Select S, then U to save the settings. Select E to Exit Setup to go back to the main menu.

  14. Select S for setup, then C for config.
    Highlight SMTP Server (for sending) and select A to insert your email.
    NOTE: If you're using a personal gmail account, you'll instead use:

  15. Scroll down to Folder Preferences and make sure the following are checked:

    1. Combined Folder Display

    2. Compensate for Deficient IMAP servers

    3. Enable Incoming Folders Collection

    4. Enable Incoming Folders Checking

  16. Select E to exit and then Yes to save settings.

  17. On main menu, L for Folder List. Gmail should be listed here.

         Select Gmail and then INBOX to check your mail.