Importing Address Book from to Gmail

This page is for importing the address book from the to Gmail.

  1. Log into with the command: ssh

  1. Start up pine with the command: pine

  2. Type A for Address Book and select your address book.

  3. Select ; for Select

  4. Select A for select All

  5. Select A for Apply

  6. Select S for Save

  7. Select E for Export

  8. Select V for VCard

  9. A prompt will appear asking you for the path and name of the file. Type the name of the file: addressbook_pine.vcf

    NOTE: Make sure to make the extension .vcf

  10. Run the command: pine -attach addressbook_pine.vcf
    This should open up a prompt to send the address book file via email. Email it to an account you can access on your local machine.

  11. Go to your email on your local machine and download the file.

  12. Go to Gmail. Click on the top right for the 9 dots and click on Contacts.

  13. Click on Import on the left side.

  14. Click on Select file.

  15. Select the addressbook_pine.vcf file that you downloaded from your email.

    Your pine contacts should now be accessible within Gmail.