Emergency Cellular Contacts

Emergency Cellular Contacts

There are times, extenuating circumstances, where changes to cellular services and devices are needed which require faster turn around. All requests should be routed through your departmental Cellular Coordinator, not through the carrier directly.

Cellular Coordinators can use the following contact list to order or change cell phone and Hotspot services.

If there are questions about the procedures for university owned cellphones/hotspots or the rules for personal plan reimbursement please take a look at our policy/procedures pages and contact your cellphone coordinator. 

UMBC Policy on Cell phone usage: https://www.umbc.edu/policies/pdfs/UMBC_Policy_on_Cellular_Use_X-1-00_08_FINAL-29June11.pdf

Procedural Document for complying with the policy: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e9zfEWe31wkOD8T8b_9UaPbWkCRR51ZqnRNo4c1C6ms/edit?usp=sharing

Verizon - Samba Marah (Sam)

Cell - 202.253.8877

Email - samba.marah@verizonwireless.com 

T-Mobile - John Willson

Cell - 508.801.2998

Email - john.wilson244@t-mobile.com

ATT - Dan Riska

Cell - 410.739.2095

Email - Dr8356@att.com

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