OVPR Annual Subrecipient Certification

The Annual Subrecipient Certification is an external form used identify if a subrecipient is eligible for a sponsored program.


First, the form’s link is accessed or sent out by subrecipient or OVPR UMBC’s department. Second, Web form and document is filled out by subrecipient. Third, the OVPR UMBC department will look over the completed document and check if the individual is eligible or not. 

Resources needed to fill out the form: 

Documents of Single Audit records with 2 CFR Part 200.

Links or documents with Audit or Management Letter.

How to fill out the form:

The subrecipient is sent a link to the web form and will be required to enter their Name, Email, Organization’s Legal Name, AOR’s Title, Address, and Today’s Date. After this they are sent an Email link to complete the rest of the document.