OVPR Subrecipient Commitment Form

The Subrecipient Commitment Form is an external form used to initiate a subaward proposal with another institution

How to fill out the form:

UMBC Departmental Business Administrator will begin the form by accessing the web form and filling out the Subrecipient contact information, the UMBC PI Name, Funding Agency, Proposal Title, and Department Number. They will then be redirected to the document where they need to sign off that everything has been input correctly. 

The Subrecipient Department will have to designate who the AOR (final signer) will be. They will fill out the required information on the document and sign before it is sent to the AOR. 

The AOR will complete the remaining required information on the document and sign.

Workflow and Instructions:

1. The web form is completed by the UMBC Departmental Administrator:

2. The Departmental Administrator signs in the UMBC Initiator Signature spot and selects “Finish”:

3. The Subrecipient Contact receives this email and selects “Review Document”:

4. The Subrecipient Contact is prompted to enter the Name and Email of their organization’s Authorized
Official Representative (AOR):

5. The Subrecipient Contact selects “Complete and Send” and then will be prompted to fill out their
portion of the Subrecipient Commitment From, highlighted in red, and sign the document:

6. Once the Subrecipient Contact selects “Finish,” the Subrecipient AOR receives this email and selects
“Review Document”:

7. The Subrecipient AOR completes the remaining “Subreicpient’s Information” boxes highlighted in red:


8. If “Yes” is selected for “Subrecipient is part of FDP Expanded Clearinghouse OR University System of
Maryland,” the following questions appear for the Subrecipient AOR to answer:

9. If “No” is selected, a longer list of questions appears:

10. The Subreicpient AOR enters the remaining approval information and signs the document. Once the
AOR selects “Finish,” all parties will receive an email with a link to the completed document.


Resources needed to fill out the form: 

Audit Report